
I also like to take my dog to Bass Pro in the winter cold and summer heat to walk around and get out of the house.

One of the best things about being in my 40s is having no clue who these people are.

If we give up our right to arm ourselves, America is over.

I’m not going to spend a lot of time refuting each paragraph of your complaints against the US, but I will point out that MANY countries are experiencing similar issues, and many of them are also not handling it well. Much of the polarized politicization you see in the media is a result of unethical journalism and

Gun lovers are willing to let everyone else die on the off chance that some day they get to play hero, and nothing and no one will convince them otherwise.

So you just dismiss the possibility out of hand, rather than consider that firearms have actually been used for something other than just attacks? Even the FBI statistics estimate tens of thousands of self-defense uses yearly.

Don’t say most like we all believe that crazy asshole Alex Jones. Most of us are well aware that guns are a big issue in this country. Most of us want change to make things safer, but many of us also want to keep our guns. It’s a tug of war with neither side relenting, but don’t say most of us believe they were

Rights are obviously important, so are lives. It’s true, and it’s terrible how many times people have attacked and murdered unarmed people. However, this doesn’t just happen in these mass shooting events. Paying attention solely to these events means you also overlook the smaller scale events, the times guns were used

I have some annoying advice about caffeine, if you’re not in the mood to hear it feel free to just ignore this:

It’s not that there isn’t potential in this form of showing something. Certainly introducing this stuff into the media can help, but there are far better ways to do so. If you want to introduces a character with Asperger’s (first off I’d make it explicit instead of implied because that’s it’s own kind of bad) then do

People haven’t been bringing up this show in casual conversation for over fives years minimum. Other than how they don’t like it, usually to point out how legitimately nerdy they are. 

Seriously! There’s plenty of shows I don’t like. I just don’t watch them.

I actually love Iron Man 2 and would consider Iron Man 3 to be the worst MCU movie. 

We almost managed to convince one of our coaches that when he said “earhole” he actually meant to say “cornhole”.

Nah bruh. He’s a dead man walking, fuck him. Why try to protect this piece of shit?

His temps in the article are C, which is what most people use.

I’ve had the opposite experience. I was canceled flying from a small airport to San Francisco due to fog in the bay which makes it so small regional jets cannot land. I listened to multiple people use your method and get nothing but a rebooking from the agents since it was demonstrably weather and outside the

“Which is why many of us like the idea”
Hey, I like it too, don’t even think otherwise. And I didn’t know those intrinsecs, which only makes me like it even more.

Marvin the Martian not being at least in the top five is a crime against humanity, and I demand a swift and savage retribution against those responsible.

Dominos is superior.