
one? Have you ever read his takes/advice on Economics? Dude is a buffoon.

I would argue HamNo is not fine. He’s actually advancing a pretty dangerous narrative in his writing.

Its basically all bullshit, but liberals want to keep pandering to mental illness. 

Nonbinary is just a fashion statement, at this point. All the cool kids are denouncing their biological gender! I wanna be cool, too! Obviously, I’m not talking about people that are inter-sexed or hermaphrodites, as that’s a physicality that some people are born with.  I totally understand that.  But, all this mental

People keep ignorantly saying this. MS didn’t say no because they were on top. MS said no because their pretty rock solid online network was a cornerstone of their console sales pitch. They were skeptical about Sony’s then infantile network, and what risks might come from joining to it. And rightly so, after the mass

The best is when they say they’ll pay for a tank of gas and hand me 20 bucks. I normally say that’ll cover the gas used and I’m fine with that but if you’re serious about buying a tank you need to add 60 more bucks.

All valid points but for some reason I get a lot of calls from “friends”

It’s exactly the same. There are very few high density urban areas, if any, that have both a large percentage of pickups on the road and traffic density problems. I live in one of the worst traffic areas in the country. Removing pickups won’t make a dent. Mass transit, better infrastructure, ride share, etc, are

Long story kinda short: decades ago I was stationed on the east coast, and witnessed a fellow sailor throw his trash in my 1984 Toyota’s bed. As a hospital corpsman, I got my revenge by making sure the trash thrower was up to date on all of his immunizations....administered by our clinic’s newest corpsman who had yet

Your parents must have proud of their self-righteous little tyrant.

Straw man

Have whatever. Just don’t commit suicide while they’re minors and not expect to be excoriated after death for it. Very different sentiment. Unfortunately poor reading comprehension has yet to be recognized as a disability. Nor has the propensity for making poor attempts at sarcasm. So your wait for recognition

That’s the biggest pile of horse-manure I’ve heard in a long time. Who teaches anti-blackness in America as you hit the shore??? I came to LA as immigrant, my kids learn about “African American History Month” in schools, they are taken to the African American museum to learn and bring home their essays about MLK... so

I seem to recall hearing that Roald Dahl specified in his will that none of his other Willy Wonka books could be made into movies. I guess he wasn’t too happy with the Gene Wilder one? Probably best he never saw the Johnny Depp version...

It’s interesting though saying the game is running on the NES is like saying a VHS player playing a recording of a game is running the SNES game.

As someone with hayfever - Spring is objectively the WORST season

But it takes the audience out of the story. Talking about being gay isn’t a daily or regular thing a person does. I don’t go around introducing myself to others saying, “Hi, I’m tag, and I’m a bisexual.” If I did that in public, people would look at me funny and avoid me (little bit for announcing I’m bisexual, mostly

We would actually be just fine if we were left on our own. We have all the necessary farming and factories to be self sustained. And we have all the monies from the rich yankees that have left yalls overpriced, lasy ass union ran workforce, to come down here to the beautiful coast and lake- side neighborhoods with all

If the words “implanted in your person” don’t cause a shiver, I don’t know what will.