
I completely get it, and know exactly how you feel. We only matter in the press when discussing the Tomahawk Chop, Elizabeth Warren, or how we feel about Thanksgiving. I had an african american friend tell me my people didnt have it bad. I had to look him straight in the eye and say NO ONE valued my people enough to

I dont get the draw I own one and it frankly sucks serious ass. It doesnt work well at anything they said to use it for. It has been in my desk drawer for months. 

Now, as someone has had massive experience with lithium batteries, I can say I am not impressed with the longevity, cost or the milage the EV cars have at this time. Tesla claims 300k miles for the life of the battery - yet I have never seen a battery live up to the claims it makes. Then the estimated 7k per partial

I stopped giving a shit about the Royals in 1776... 

When did Jalopnik become the Earther? He isnt wrong an entire generation of little idiots are swallowing the same bullshit that has been shoveled since the 70's. We need to stop X or we will have Y happen. They ignore the real pollution spewing countries to stop in Europe and the USA to attempt to shame us into

That was one reason I was so opposed to the “Affordable Care Act”. I had EXCELLENT insurance (I am double covered one for being a registered Native American with a full clinic and thru independent insurance).

Damn near as soon as it went active I lost my primary care physician the one we were told we could keep. Then

lol RC Pro Am was mine those were an easy #2 tho. 

Those who served on the CV-63 call her the shitty kitty, but yes her name is the Kitty Hawk.

Now from smallest to largest - Frigate, Destroyer, Cruiser, Battleship, Carrier. Technically we have no more battleships, but we have 2 that could be pressed for service with minimal work - the Mo in Hawaii and the Texas in

I was on the Shitty Kitty we had 2 CIWS and I think 2 RAMS we tested it when I was in the Navy a few times on “fly by” targets. It was a hell of a thing to see - and most countries except China and Russia are using older cheaper missiles so we are generally safe. I was an O/S so I was talking to guys like you all damn

As a former Navy member - subs and mines are what we tend to fear in the real world. Subs and sit on the bottom with a torpedo already launched in low power mode waiting for a sound set or activation signal from the sub to go into hunt mode and then you pray the countermeasures work and that you are not on a

Our groups are fine with mass produced dice but hand made or 3d printed are banned. It is too easy to get dice that are too off balanced. One of our guys printed some on my photon - they rolled very unevenly so were the clay fired dice they had previously. I dont mind them not being perfectly balanced, but noticeably

As a Navy guy - Marines= Muscles Are Required Intelligence Not Essential

Yup choices in some areas are bale hay all summer or work at a fastfood place. After several summers bailing hay in 104F heat you decide fast food is a good choice lol After that no fast food job is “hard”. Even a lazy worker is working harder than the city kids who have never had a blister before.

Where does the money to design and build these magic cars come from? Where does the infrastructure suddenly magically appear from, and who pays for it? That is my main issue with the liberal friends I have - they have great grandiose ideas, but have no fucking clue how to fund it, maintain it, and make it sustainable

I dont know your age, but I am in my 40's - I remember when we had a full game on a single sided 5 1/4 floppy with a whoppin’ 160kb I think the hard drive was 20MB. As hard drives dropped in price and soared in capacity it allowed more graphic capabilities in the games. I dont mind most of the graphics packs - but I

I like it but not over $9.99 like it but dont wanna bend over to get it either. It looks easy to replicate at home - toss it on the 3d printer and add adhesive strips. 

I like it but not over $9.99 like it but dont wanna bend over to get it either. It looks easy to replicate at home -

Claire, do you plan on doing more types of cheeses? I would love to see a whole series on this subject. Please? I would love you forever lol

I have done the 50/50 tea lemonaide for years for our family. My son is like a stick and my daughter isnt and he drinks and eats anything he can get his hands on while she doesnt. It has just enough sweet in it for all of us to enjoy but still not a soda level of sugar and crap. 

Or he could be referring to fuel air bombs like the moab or other thermobaric bombs - which put over a populated area could kill that many people during his time frame, they are more destructive than the baby nukes we have. Not to mention chemical or biological ordinances. How much shit do we have that the ordinary

Tell that to Oakland