I doubt headphones block out any more environmental sounds than your rolled up (for Air Conditioning) windows do.
I doubt headphones block out any more environmental sounds than your rolled up (for Air Conditioning) windows do.
Scenario: A cop accuses you of making a phone call. Says, you were talking and laughing and there's noone else in the car with you. You say, you were singing along to the music. The cop asks, "Really? You were laughing to Barry Mannilow? Here's your ticket."
Driving isn't a right in America, either... although many feel it is, unfortunately.
Fake news stories like...
Lesson learned from Nintendo: don't give a project a cool working name, or be willing to face a backlash when you give the actual product a less-cooler name. (Not that I ever had a problem with "Wii" but Revolution was much cooler!)
SHE's embarrassed? What about her poor son who has been eternalized on public TV labelled "Texter's Son"?!? That's got to be a form of child abuse right there.
I'm convinced that we will never find actual proof of UFO's until everyone on this planet owns a Super HD phone camera that is not capable of taking blurry videos, no matter the resolution.
I will say that I've been on the "Fuck Apple's Stupid Patent BS" bandwagon for a while now. However, in this case, I say Apple should win it. If Apple has yet another win as far as form-factor is concerned (even if it's a "modest" one), then they should be awarded for it. The article mentions that RIM, Moto, and Nokia…
...and all they would really need to do is call you a terrorist and they'll have the right to detain you...
Assuming that I have a pretty decent broadband connection, how long is the initial load of a streaming 1080p movie? I have a PS3 and the biggest killer that's keeping me from watching anything from the PS Network is that stupid initial load time. If Apple TV's load time is anywhere near that, this tech is not ready…
WHere do set this? I'm assuming you have the stock OS?
Definitely agree, especially with Lou leading the project. I love Lou and all, but damn, he's uh... I'll politely say, "1-dimensional".
Does this not fall under the category of "Misinformation"? In the same way that the old iOS 4 used to show more bars than the actual signal? That was a pretty big cahoot back then. So much that Apple fixed it with the following minor release. How is it that they are allowed to display "4G" when the phone user is…
Honestly, I don't see this as being any dirtier than your average site. Any website you go to that keeps track of any kind of activity you've done in the past (Amazon for example) are either using session cookies or are storing that information on their servers. Haven't you noticed that many browsers attempt to…
"Pimpin' ain't easy"
I miss the ol' chat rooms. Lots of fun conversations with people I'll never know. Everything went all chaotic and unusable once they allowed you to change your font, color and size! :P
Everything about this (aside from the clamshell form factor and notion of double screens) is just so incredibly wrong. This kind of reminds me of The Producers (where they make a movie so bad it flops, so they can post it at a loss and thereby make it profitable).
* Reminder to self: If I ever have a kid, name 'em Steve. Even if it's a girl.
"Which was fortunate for the past residents of our planet like the T-Rex, who obviously weren't well equipped for scratching."
This would definitely be something I'd get into. Instead of HBO Go, why not just get an endorsed HBO Channel on Netflix Streaming? Netflix already has an infrastructure (one that works really well, in my experience). I would be WAY more inclined to paying for this than to have a separate subscription with HBO.