
I'm completely confused by your "apples to ice cream sandwiches" comparison. I mean, Apple is a company and Ice Cream Sandwich is a product. Furthermore, Apples are fruit (good & wholesome — one a day keeps the doctor away) while ICS is too-good-to-be-healthy (will make you fat), and in completely different food

"So that X-1 must be a dinky one...? (just big enough to suck our solar system into oblivion...)"

"So that X-1 must be a dinky one...? (just big enough to suck our solar system into oblivion...)"

I'm intrigued. I looked this up and found out that this one isn't UL approved, so I kept looking around online.

It's a good idea though. At least we won't have to worry about the Matrix Theory, that machines will one day take over the world. We're single-handedly keeping their intelligence down. No machine left behind, I say!

Actually, I'm wondering if the width of a website is even a factor anymore? Not sure if tablet OS's use the same browser as their smartphone counterparts, but don't the browsers just scale the whole page to fit the width these days? I know Android's does.

"...and even with continued threat of SOPA, the media will stop covering it..."

As much as I agree with you about Ron Paul, it would be a bad idea for Gizmodo to publicly back any candidate. This is a tech blog and is not the place for political leanings and endorsements.

I hear ya. I quit for a few years and all it took was that ONE and I was back on within a few months. Thankfully, I was eventually able to shake it, but I too now know that I'm literally 1 cigarette away.

This is actually something I didn't realize until a few years after I quit. Now, the smell is pretty disgusting.

How long were you a smoker?

That's a pretty hardcore method of quitting, and it's great that you literally put yourself in a position where you confronted your urges up-front. Tremendous will-power, just like Batman!

I used to like smoking, too. There's something to be said about the act of smoking (especially while I was working on my artwork). It's something to do with your hands, it's social, and it feels therapeutic.

I started smoking at 16, and quit 3 years ago when I was 33 (17 years).

I actually don't get the "look and feel" comparison you mentioned. I feel that the stores have their own branded identity that embodies the direction that Microsoft is headed.

The problem with the top right toggle is that it keeps reverting back to the "Personal" default, which for people like me who do a lot of searches on a daily basis, would find annoying to click every single time I reopen a browser window. I'm really glad they gave us a way to set it permanently!

"However, I think the future of searching looks for more like Wolfram and a little less like Google."

I just found that you can opt out permanently:

I was going to say I, too am annoyed by it defaulting to personal results every time I go back to the Fortunately, I found out that I can permanently set the default at:

I just saw this episode for the first time during the holiday marathons!