Just going to leave this here.
Just going to leave this here.
What about Work in Progress don’t you understand.
This... happens quite a lot. Even I’ve done it.
Uh 1000 names for your kid? What? How can you get that so wrong? The baby is irrelevant. The “1000 names” are for specific names that have all been dubbed in game for dialogue options if you pick one of said names.
lol good joke
Uh, no.
Hah. That’s funny.
Because its terrible.
You should probably take off your nostalgia goggles.
If you played the game you’d know this wasn’t just “built for scripted events” because it was used in the prologue of the story mode.
Facepalms in unison? What?
Major payoff? Where? The ending was horrible and the "reveals" could be seen coming from a mile away. The story was last on the list of reasons I played through this game. Why are you acting like your playtime is something to boast about? Anything over 80-90 is a waste of time as that's the average playthrough time.…
Do you like lowbrain harem plots? If so then yes.
Shadow of Mordor is so terribly over rated. The only thing going for it was the nemesis system which got stale halfway through.
You don't have to tell everyone about your shit taste.
Yeek. Talk about horrible story and characters. I feel embarrassed for whoever came up with this. I could never make it through an episode without shaking my head into oblivion and laughing at how utterly stupid the show is.
Why would you torture yourself?
Wait, I thought I was on Kotaku... not reddit.
Xenogears is terrible, sorry.
That's great but I'm pretty sure nobody still cares what any of you writers at gawker have to say about anything.