
It’s embarrassing because it is established fact that people are exacerbating and accelerating climate change, and yet it’s the GOP’s party line that this is not the case. Politicians who generally know nothing of the actual science are throwing their weight and fiscal power around in irresponsible ways. THAT is

Apparently a grade higher than the one where you learn not to capitalize arbitrary words in sentences.

I would be equally upset and vocal about this if Democrats were doing it. Making policy decisions that impede scientific progress and harm the future of humanity for shortsighted political gains is what’s embarrassing. It’s embarrassing because we elect representatives to make the hard decisions that are right for

No reality, calling it BS doesn’t really help your position.

A group that is unanimously wrong is still wrong.

It’s embarrassing because it’s a blatant denial of reality, backed up by decades of scientific research, and the consequences of ignoring climate change are going to be particularly serious.

Elected officials denying reality is pretty fucking embarrassing, bro.

That honestly made sense. Thank you.

IBM’s computer thinks in chocolate and vanilla. Sometimes what it knows is chocolate, sometimes it’s vanilla, sometimes it’s a swirl. Sometimes, though, the swirl melts; then you have to decide if there was more chocolate or more vanilla in that puddle. IBM just hired a fat kid that can tell the difference.

What if, and this is me thinking out loud here, the list itself is correct and everyone is getting stuck on the numbers themselves? What if 48 actually is at the top of the list for that very reason, it’s the best thing going? After all, if Yannick liked Toad’s Turnpike that much, why have the pic at the top of the

We all have our preferences and this is totally the case between you and me. My personal list would be very similar to yours, but completely reversed lol.

I HATE Toad’s Turnpike and I LOVE Excite Bike Arena...

While I can agree with you that FFXII is amazing and the recent slew of games have been super buggy, this issue would’ve prevailed even outside of the online-only plans for the Xbox One. This isn’t people unable to play a game online, it’s people being able to play a game online with friends who are also online. This

Damage control mod right now. $.49 cents.

Headcanon established

And it’s all been leading up to the big reveal that Peter Quill’s dad is Han Solo.

Secret Chinese Dinosaur Army: Confirmed

to make an overpass, u gotta break a few eggs.

Family Guy called it