
As with all things Batman. BTAS did it better

I’m impatiently waiting for Iron Fist, after seeing DD I have extremely high hopes.

I’m really looking forward to the Iron Fist show. That could be totally badass. Moon Knight would be awesome too.

I'm in an apparent minority that absolutely hates Daenrys, so maybe Varys and Tyrion can win me over for that contender. She just messed everything up! As for the loss of so many great characters, we'll hopefully have those voids filled this season by some new faces!

Oh great! Now our global warming is also killing Mars. Great job, people!

Sounds like a story about a transgender taking advantage of a drunk guy and date raping him.

9) Directed by Uwe Boll

Who are you to judge what people want to do with their free time?

The company's founder told me that the service is aimed at "innocent accidents." Oops I went out for my friend's birthday and got carried away and now have to get work done. That kinda thing. "We like to think of it as the ultimate whoops button," he said.

Or you could grow up...I am seriously not trying to be a troll here but how often are you drinking that you need this? If the answer is "I get a bone splitting hangover more than once a month" either you're 21 or have a serious life issue that alcohol won't solve...whiskey is wonderful, ten whiskies and you're 21 (and

There are going to be a couple limits here:

(electrical engineers, help me out).

Yes 1 remember you 1 gen iMac Rev. A (1998 btw). Lame laptop board with a poorly shielded CRT (and shockey), a 10 cent CD drive and the worst mouse ever designed. Yes, I remember you.

I'll be 29 in a month and I still clearly remember printing out gaming FAQs and walkthroughs for SNES games on my dot matrix printer back in themid-late 90s.

am i the only one that actually kind of preferred the simplicity of the 90s internet? don't get me wrong, dial-up sucked balls, but it was a hell of a lot easier to find what you were looking for back then (despite the 75 different search engines) because wesites got to the goddamn point, rather than immersing you in

Am I the only one my age (38) that still thinks the late 90's wasn't that long ago? I mean I know it is but it never feels that way until I do the math.

"'Net Neutrality' is Obamacare for the Internet." - Ted Cruz

Digital gravestones are the future. Solar cell, capacitor and a small wireless server. You could keep your pictures, DNA sequence, favorite media and books that you own and serve them wirelessly.

Well...so much for Zombie snacks...and yet...I keep thinking about...

Wow guy made 11mill to just poke a bunch of dead corpses full of holes? Hell, children have been doing that with dead (and live) animals forever.