
When will racists get it? You’re on camera now sweetie, the world can see your Christian heart for what it really is.

It sounds like Humanity is in a toxic relationship with God.

No I literally meant pets.

I died at Sam’s Club Josh Brolin.

On a serious note, why? Why do white people always hide behind their black friends/pets.

Me too. The problem I face is that I get overwhelmed with all the lights, sounds, and “free stuff” that I cannot actually get invested in the game play or story. Even games that eschew dumping loads of stuff on you at the beginning, usually dump loads of story and background for context. I shouldn’t have to read a

Those are classics at this point. And nothing wrong with the classics. 

Lol, I used A&W and it was Honey Nut Cheerios. But then again, I'm from the south where we have tea with our sugar. 

Honey Nut Cheerios and Root Beer. 

Dairy Queen is where I get them. 

Jalitos. They're mild jalapeños sliced thin, lightly breaded, and deep fried. Love them. 

Hey hey hey now. Fuck Preservatives. You leave Texas outta this. 

Same. I started The Tick and got through it's first half, then it went on hiatus and I kinda forgot about it. Doesn't help that I've got so many other shows in the queue that it got overshadowed by those and the other platforms have great original content as well. 

I’ve been waiting them to turn around and say, “Gotcha!” Like they’ve been trolling the world, but sadly no.

Rape factory? I must've missed something. 

I always viewed Zari as the sister of the group. Like especially her and Nate in the time loop episode. 

I came here for this exactly. LoT has consistently been my favorite CW Superhero show... and really my favorite tv show since Community. Truthfully, I’d love to see a yearly graphic novel of LoT written by the writers giving us more of their undocumented heroics that they occasionally call back to during the show. Zari

I would argue that working the press junket is the equivalent of working retail at Christmas. I mean at least the people who are asking the questions are somewhat pleasant in comparison to holiday shoppers. I know if I had 2 million in the bank after holiday season I'd be a happy SOB. 

That was a fantastic read. I almost forgot it was a comment. 

No. La Croix tends to negatively effect heroine.