Cool your heels, Mabel

This is why we don’t really need a screed about sex from a virgin.

Wanna bet she’s a veteran of abstinence-only sex ed, chock full of statistics on how condoms never work, birth control pills cause cancer, and Planned Parenthood systemically tricks women into getting pregnant, then tricks them again into getting abortions?

It matters to me because the Catholic Church is responsible for the suffering of women all over the world and “feminists” who support it contribute to their oppression.

I agree, although I think that forcing yourself to be chaste because you are taught that it is preferable and purer by a patriarchal religion is probably not feminist. Being allowed to control your own sexuality is totally feminist, and she should have every right to do so without judgment. My concern is that she is

Right. There is nothing wrong with having sex, and there is nothing wrong with not having sex. But No Unmarried Person Should Have Sex Because It Makes Jesus Sad isn’t feminism. It is just shaming people into conforming to a weird, creepy ideal of purity culture propped up by the same book that assures you that some

In all fairness to Gohmert, he would know.

This jumped out:

I assume next week the GOP will move on to something more advanced, like accusing Clinton of having cooties.

Choosing chastity because you dig that lifestyle is feminism. Choosing chastity because sex = sin and realizing that you like being chaste is Stockholm Syndrome.

Yeah I mean I feel like this lady thought she’d get more intrigue by a click baity title. There’s nothing inherently feminist about abstinence, in fact I’d say if your motivation is based on a commandment from a patriarchal religion then there’s an argument to be made that it is not feminist at all. I really don’t

Seems to me that dutifully following a religion such as Catholicism, which places strict limits on what women can/cannot do, isn’t feminism at all.

Well shit. If the only options are chastity or 12 kids I would choose chastity too. And my feminist dream was lots of premarital sex!

“While I didn’t get my early marriage or my 12 kids or my big house with a white picket fence, my commitment to sexual integrity has allowed me the freedom to live the life that I want. I am living the life that feminists throughout history fought for.”

Feel free to disagree with me. Here’s my take. Choosing chastity as a woman isn’t feminism. Choosing chastity as a woman and having the right to not be judged as less or more of a human being because of it is feminism.

Not sure how this is a thing when the name itself is a portmanteau of “fucking wrong.”

If I had a body that looked good in this, I’d put it into a suit that made it look waaaaay better.

Stuff like this is why I love you, Ellie.

too many razors. boy shorts 4eva!

Where is the pocket for my snacks tho?

So they sent three immature men with anger issues to an intelligence briefing? What could possibly go wrong?