Cool your heels, Mabel

The “throat bullshit” is actually being put out by the GOP. They are actually bitching and moaning about it. Constantly.

She also violated her parole, but I don’t see why they can’t just do what her attorney is asking. Take a video deposition and let her on with her life.

Wait a minute, let me see if I understand this correctly: She has a history of criminal activity and drug abuse, however she is not the one being accused of committing a crime here. Yet because of her past, she’s being held without bond for 3 months to ensure that she’ll show up at the trial? Is that right?

What the ever loving fuck?! I hate that the victim is being jailed & could be until the trial. While her shit bag rapist is out and about. Just your daily reminder why most women don't report their rapes.

See, this is what corruption looks like. For real. Straight-up bribery and illegal donations and shit.

Donald trump truly is the grift that never stops grifting.

That’s a Mexican drug mule baby with cocaine coming out its ass. NOW do you see why we need Trump?

Is it just me, or does that mom in the first pic look like she should be the killer in some sort of Evil Dead reboot?

Are you saying those people don’t know the value of something they can pawn for meth?

Probably because they don’t feel safe in his tiny baby hands.

I think its not really any different from coaches who havent coached football in 10+ years still being called “COACH” on the air.

Because all the better to protect and serve you when you don’t know who’s a cop and who’s not. BTW because you questioned the police’s need for blacked out patrol vehicles, a SWAT team is now enroute to your house. RIP.

My favorite part is that, despite his fame, he still makes them write “Mayor” almost fifteen years after leaving office.

He was out there so fast they had to handwrite his name on the placard.

More cupholders.

Arizona really demanding Florida raise its game this half.

Police shooting windshields is just their latest pushback against the calls for transparency.

Was the windshield tinted black?

Yes! Me too! I literally can’t recall naything off a page of text, but add in arrows and stars and boxes and underlining and it’s preserved forever.

Maybe some kind of latter day go-go club complete with women dancing on literal pedestals? Clothed or not clothed remains to be determined.