
I think there is a small but dedicated Peloton cult, and its existence along with the very online dedication of its members has tricked the people of Peloton into making a commercial with the assumption that other, normal people might want to be in said cult. Much like others who have been indoctrinated in one way or

Eating 7,000 Pop Tarts would change you more than a peloton ever could.

I’m with you man.


I was expecting pure fan service mediocrity but instead have been blown away by how much fun this show has been so far. Thanks for mentioning the score, which has been fantastic. It fits the entire show so far: both new and old, fan servicing and novel, serious and fun, all combined perfectly. Hope it continues.

I can’t explain how happy this made me. I’ve been watching Nunes and Jordan dry hump each other the last two weeks and was getting depressed. Thank you, bird mother of Jacksonville, and thank you internet people of Earth. 

Just going off the headline here but this is really great, and it could also have environmental benefits.

Besides, I prefer my Western spirituality staples, like my coffee maker and Sonos speakers.

Pro tip: use a water stone to easily file the paperclip end to a point to make it more stab-efficient.

TMI, but here we go anyway: I tried the not cleaning my ears except visible wax through high school, college, and a few years after. Then during a check up my doctor pulled out a roughly planet-sized chunk of wax from deep in each ear. They were huge, much bigger than I thought could fit in there. Truly gigantic and

Cheese is at least tasty. Ice cream is the shit, even though it seems poised to kill me. Yogurt is questionable, but I respect other people’s right to enjoy it.

This times a million. And coffee with half and half is literally keeping me alive.

Wait, you don’t cry when you masturbate?

Plus it’s also Movember so every time you look in the mirror you get horny.

More like FASCISTBOOK, right guys? ...guys?

Witch hunt, how clever! *sips Peach Mint cocktail*

Of course she wouldn’t, that’s literally why she married him! 

It is now mandatory that every Trump story begins with “Florida man...,” like “Florida man commits impeachable offense during spittle-infused press conference,” or “Florida man uses Secret Service to hide golf cheating.”

Just wanted to check and see how the logo looked in gray (though red would be much better..)

Will speaks the truth for many of us.