
This sounds like slavery. 

This comment section is unhinged.

There are many ways to control where a balloon goes. Ballast and heating being the easiest. You sound like a chinese bot trying to cover for your homeland.

That wouldnt fit the GW narrative.

If Facebook cared about climate change they’d cease all operations immediately. They are responsible for 7 terawatts of electricity usage per year, more than what half the countries in the world use. 

Person could have died from a heart attack and the dogs started chewing on them afterwards.

Pretty sure this headline could get you sued. It’s at the very least misleading. 

I think your idea has a hole in that the fact that police are armed is a powerful deterrent to violent crime. You are even reinforcing that point by making your argument. I don’t think that’s a hypothetical but real causality

Did the coldest winter on record last year for antartica kill these flowers?

Antarctica just had its coldest winter on record, are these plants still thriving? Any data from the past two years?

You’re missing the point.

I love that the author used a picture of the city covered in fog. No insinuation of smog there...

So how exactly did big oil ruin the mississippi river delta? The delta destroying levees were built in the 18th century, long before big oil. The real thing killing the coastline and delta is mankind’s need to live in places that cant sustain them, like NOLA, Florida, or the entire southwest.