
I’m gonna concur on the open-toe thing, and I will look for those next time. Near the end of my long flight, it was my toes that were bothering me the most. When I had about 90 minutes left of my 9-hour flight last fall, I just took them off, and made sure to do some stretches. I still didn’t have any swelling, and my

My husband and I took a big trip to the UK last year, and we’ve been hoarding AmEx points for over a decade for that purpose.  We used a huge pile of those points to get Virgin Atlantic Upper Class seats, and holy bejeezus, the leg room there was insane. (This reviewer -

Okay, I’m confused - isn’t it “Gregor-Jeff”?  The character is credited as Jeff Suckler (in and of itself, a great name on a vampire show).

As much as I hate Mitch McConnell - a being of pure evil who I am quite sure is the worst political actor at present in the US, and possibly in the history of our country - I hate Nancy Pelosi almost as much.

Yep. I traveled with some Smithsonian scientists while I was still in college, and they had the red government passports. Basically, there was a bunch of scientific equipment we were schlepping, and it smoothed the way to bring big cases of technical, wire-filled equipment through Customs and security.

I truly, deeply hope they are coordinating this.

I am waiting for Harry to have his lunch interrupted because he has to take a call from his good friend, Michelle Obama.

I just snorted at the “complaining about the photo-op” thing. My husband and I went to the National Gallery on a trip to London last year. We must have arrived around the same time as a Japanese tour, because any really famous painting was surrounded by a substantial crowd of mostly Japanese tourists who weren’t even

Who the hell is picky enough about their crab that they insist on going to B’more for it, but then treat them like that?  Makes no sense.

The way I look at it, a lot of people were like, “Heath Ledger as The Joker? That’s gonna suck.” Sometimes you have to trust that the person doing the casting has a good relationship with the director and other creatives running the movie and can pull a performance out of the actor they previously haven’t been allowed

We were gonna get one of these in the Twin Cities and it never materialized. I was actually looking forward to it - part of the model was they would let you bring in your own stuff to trash and they’d clean it up for you. I have so many random china pieces my grandmother and great-aunt gave me over the years that I

One of our neighbors named his reddish labrador “Bo-Julius” (Bo for short). Because shortly before the puppy arrived, he went to pick up some Beaujolais he’d ordered at a wine/liquor store - he just gave his name and said he was there to pick up his order. So the owner looked at the sheet and called out, “Hey Bill -

I went on a paleo dig as a tourist in my late 20's - so, yes, I paid for the privilege to do hard labor under the sun, because I am nuts that way - and at the end of the trip, it was tradition the whole crew would go to this fabulous dive bar to get dinner and pitchers of beer.

I have had two people in my life close to me - both in their 30's at the time - have major brain surgeries, both with some unusual wrinkles that caused doctors to say, “Huh, that almost never happens.” Both are fine today, but all I can tell you is that so many things you’ve described are so gut-wrenchingly familiar

In all my years of dining, I only had my entree comped twice. Once recently at a restaurant where my husband and I are well-liked regulars (with both FOH and BOH staff). I ordered a new dish from the kitchen, and when our regular server asked how I had liked it, I admitted I found it overly salted (she asked, I was

Yep. I used to work the Triage Desk at a Level I ED.

Fuck that shit. I want to hold this woman’s earrings for her, or hold some arms back. Whichever she’d prefer. It’s clear schools are shit on bullying and racist bullshit, so what else are you gonna do?

It’s a collard-greens Reuben.

These are a sign of the apocalypse.