Two dragons are visible in the preview for next week, so I really have no idea what the hell happened to Rhaegal. Flew off somewhere to sulk or something?
Two dragons are visible in the preview for next week, so I really have no idea what the hell happened to Rhaegal. Flew off somewhere to sulk or something?
My neighbor is a family practice lawyer who gets alllllll the really fun cases. (i.e. - lots of abusive husbands with legitimate death threats, child kidnapping, etc.) She spends a LOT of time in front of judges in our local systems. So in our last elections, when there were a LOT of judges up on the slate - I asked…
One of my favorite local restaurants did a drink through autumn into winter that featured browned-butter-washed gin, mixed with a squash-sage shrub. (I live in the Twin Cities - people take their craft cocktails here VERY SERIOUSLY.) I am now a fat-washed booze convert.
I live in a condo in Minnesota, and while I do have some designs on changing some of our floors to painted concrete - mostly for allergy reasons, and because it’s Minnesota and snowy boots are a thing so concrete is less stressful than worrying about your wall-to-wall - that doesn’t mean that I won’t be getting some…
I just noted in a comment that I saw in a real estate listing for my childhood home, someone had pulled out all the custom woodwork my parents had had built for our basement. The same owners painted all of the custom raised wainscoting panels - installed over the walls, so all wood, not trim on sheetrock - and the…
I recently looked at a real-estate listing for my childhood home, a larger house built in a time that pre-dated the “open floor plan” phase of home-building. When my parents bought the house, the basement had been unfinished, and it was huge. So my Mom spent a few years figuring out how the space could best be laid…
My neighbor does the driving thing, and it drives me crazy. She keeps claiming she “can’t make” the dog sit in the back.
Do NOT get me started on the faux-therapy dog thing. It makes those who have legitimate - and expensive - dogs that are essentially living medical devices get way more shit than they should. And, occasionally, those asshole dogs will traumatize or injure the well-trained dogs, rendering them useless. But hey - your…
I don’t think even the Caps in their usual post-season peak Capsiness have done that. They’ve blown the series lead, sure (2010 against the Habs comes to mind), but nothing like that that I can remember.
Probably the subject of the Song of Ice and Fire - Jon.
I have no problem with Dany dying - I’m feeling like she’ll be dead before the end of the show, if not the next episode.
I have no problem with Dany dying - I’m feeling like she’ll be dead before the end of the show, if not the next episode.
If she dies badly, I will riot.
One of my long-standing criticisms of Nancy Pelosi is that, upon gaining the Speakership in 2006 -under the mid-term turnover of the house under W. in his second term - was she immediately declared impeachment “off the table.”
There was also a video clip of his Mom hugging all of them and their caddies - it was so sweet.
I am always on the prowl for restaurants that practice truly safe GF techniques - my adult niece has Celiac, and when she visits, I like to just have a slate of restaurants I can offer up where I know she’ll be able to have some options. So I always ask if they are “Celiac-safe”, not “gluten-free”, and when you do…
I’m not the biggest fan of GOOP IRL, but it’s hard to deny she has made a really solid Pepper Potts. As someone else noted, she doesn’t let RDJ run all over her. They team together well as far as acting partners.