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    Or drive a Subaru. The lights are on with the key. Honestly, the only time my headlights are off with the car running is when I’m waiting for someone or at a drive through at night.

    I’ve seen plenty of LEDs burn out. My friend’s Audi has LED DTRLs and one of them died. To replace it, he had to buy an entire new headlight assembly at like $800.

    Give me cheapo and easily replaceable bulbs, please.

    It’s either this or the asshole fitted some aftermarket lighting accessory on the car, usually one that has “for off road use only” warnings on the package. I can’t tell you how many people run with those 48in LED off road light bars on ALL of the time. Like they come on with the key or they are just hard wired right

    I’ve volunteered to work on some of his SCCA Road Rally events. It’s great to see how his mind works and it is always amazing just how challenging some of his events can be.

    The head gaskets on my Subaru was the easiest thing I had ever done.... because it was under warranty and I got to drive a sweet Legacy GT for a week.

    It’s ugly and high miles. It spent a lot of time in inner-city school parking lots and kids are brutal to cars there. It’s also a wagon so it has the hidden rear tower rot that will need to be taken care of by the next owner and is already in the bill of sale as a known issue.

    Mechanically it’s 100% with a new timing

    I mean... you aren’t wrong....

    That’s why my next piece of property is going to be big enough for a proper range because assholes keep threatening to shut down all of the clubs in the area.

    I have no idea of what the numbers are, but I’m assuming in the cities where there are a lot of street racing going on, it could potentially be cheaper to build a legal area to do it in that is considered “public” than having their police force busy chasing down these people. The city could make money on it as well by

    I was about to say that. Hell, I’m selling an 07 Outback Sport right now. I have it listed for $3,500 which is $1k under book and I already have 5 people looking at it this weekend.

    Subaru’s hold their value because they are a great platform with a racing roots. You can say all you want about ringlands and head gaskets

    In fairness, this is basically the entire philosophy of the MA DOT..

    Damn it, I can’t edit the original post. “You can lose your virginity in it” would have been a solid bullet point.

    You severely overestimate the ability of the MA DOT..

    Obviously it’s The Hand.

    This is a solid choice.

    “Should” and “does” are two different things entirely. They just paved the main through road in my town last fall. Most of the yellow center line is already gone or fading.

    While normally I agree with you - if there were only ONE vehicle I would have to side with the 95. The rear suspension design is a lot easier to modify.

    You can still run the EJ255 in the 95.

    Plus, it’s lighter...

    Sure, but only if it’s the 2.2 and 4.11 gears.

    Hell, we salt the earth so badly here, the roads look like concrete most of the time in winter. You cannot see the white lines for the most part.

    It would work fine for a couple of years until the plows have completely shaved the lines away. The biggest issue when you drive in Boston is that you are always in an “ONLY” lane and you have to guess what way the arrow was supposed to be pointing.