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    1995 Legacy wagon. It can haul shit, it can be lifted for off-road use, it can be made into a fire-breathing turbo monster, you can sleep in it and it can fit 5 people easily with plenty of room in the storage area for their gear. Plus, it’s stupid reliable in stock form. It was also the last year before they started

    Or how about the 95 to 128 ramp? Huge signs that say “form single lane” but the lines are wide enough apart to for three cars. It causes a huge fuck up every single morning. And they still aren’t straight.

    Somehow NH can make their roads last for like, a decade while MA is in a constant state of repaving the same fucking road over and over again.

    It looks great in concept, but I can tell you in MA, this would be pure chaos.

    This design appears to rely heavily on the painted lines in the roads. I can’t even tell you the last time I saw a straight painted line on one of our major roadways here. The state seems to have it as a criteria for whoever they source the

    I agree with the retesting part. That’s an entirely different conversation though. Personally, I wish people of all age groups were retested and repeat offenders more harshly dealt with. No more 15th OUI offenders. Cut them off at one. That’s the whole point. You need prove they are not competent behind the wheel. A

    City life sounds (and is) worse.

    Again, you need to be able to prove that grandma is to the point where that is going to happen.

    It’s because you are using it as an example of how everything got better with automation where in reality it only got slightly better for the people who could take advantage of the ones who were already struggling. Pretty much everyone else lost everything.

    I agree, it has a place. But my point is that it’s slower than a 23 year old car that weights 1k lbs more than it but only 6 more HP. The math just doesn’t add up.

    Yeah, because when I think of wealth, I think of farmers...

    Seriously, there are a lot of farmers out there that are basically getting by because of government hand outs. There is a reason why most states lower tax rates on farm land - because they wouldn’t be able to afford it otherwise.

    The only ones that have made

    You got me there - True, but you still need to prove the person is incompetent behind the wheel (or unlawful in some way) to deny them the privileged.

    Thanks everyone who thinks road salt use is a good idea.

    No, but you I don’t think you should take away anyone’s right unless they pose a specific threat.

    Personally, I’m more concerned about all the 20 somethings who think they are multitasking gods who eat a salad while Facespacing and driving 95mpg in traffic.

    John Buffum is almost this age. Go tell him to hang up his keys and see how that works for you.

    Aaaand... coffee on the monitor again. A+. Take my star.

    Honestly I have no idea. I was just curious if this thing suffered the same issues. I mean, this thing gets to 60 slower than my old Legacy with only 6 more HP and it weighs less. There has to be something glaringly wrong somewhere in the drivetrain to make it this slow.

    Same thing. I’m sure there were at least a few trucks that I passed over because they were not in my list of possibilities.

    Hell, even the truck that I eventually purchased had a discrepancy. It was listed as a manual in the search criteria fields but in the description it was a cut and paste from another truck and

    You gotta wonder how many seconds it takes to actually shift gears. I remember reading reviews on these things when they first were brought to the states and someone said “you could read the entirety of the Lord of the Rings before it changes from first to second.” I wish I could find the article now because it was a

    Actually... yeah... 7 miles used to be the limit for Human waste.... huge brain fart there...

    I think there are still looser regulations around the 7 mile mark but it’s been a long time since I have paid any attention to it to be honest.

    That’s the thing - if you want a CC with a manual you either have to go mid-sized with the Taco or Frontier, or you have to go 3/4 ton with the Dodge 2500 Cummins trucks. No in between at all.

    If someone sold a 1/2 ton truck with a 6 speed manual and a v8 with a CC that could tow 8000ish lbs, I would buy one new.