“Almost everything went wrong.”
“Almost everything went wrong.”
I legitimately thought to myself yesterday - at what point should I take some portion of my savings out of my account and hide it in a mattress?
Nixon didn’t appoint Bork in exchange for a Supreme Court seat. Bork was already solicitor general at the time, and both Richardson’s and Ruckelshaus’s resignations automatically made Bork acting attorney general. Nixon also did not nominate Bork to the Supreme Court. That was Reagan in 1987, 14 years after the…
He appointed Bork, who in exchange for a Supreme Court seat fired Cox. The only reason democracy won out was that Congress stood up for democracy and began impeachment.
Exactly!! Why do the security/border agents have to follow orders that are unconstitutional? Aren’t we horrified by people who perform inhumane acts and then say, “I was just following orders”?
Seriously. I work at a college and a professor who has been here for YEARS-his family tried to come over from Iran to visit him and they were denied. They’re doctors. SO OF COURSE THEY ARE TRYING TO DO NEFARIOUS THINGS.
If the ban were announced with a one week notice, the “bad” would rush into our country during that week. A lot of bad “dudes” out there!
OMG! I want to punch him in his face!
Fucking hell. These assholes really feel like they permission to crawl out from under the rocks now.
Nothing proves muslims are terrorists like terrorizing muslims where they congregate to pray.
BRB, hugging my 5 and 7-year-old daughters and reminding them how fucking amazing and brilliant they are.
I really truly want to ask the Sanders, Stein, Johnson, all-around anti-Hillary voters if it was worth it. Like, standing there waiting in line to vote ( or just sitting at home) knowing there was a very strong possibility that American democracy would be dismantled, did they ever consider just sucking it up and…
That’s right. I already knew I was smarter by then, watching them slam into each other like apes on the playground.
Trump is just as bad as Hillary guys! The DNC cheated Bernie so let’s protest vote! Let’s stay home! They both suck equally!
The disturbing, unwritten part of this story, is that ICE agents seem to be doing their job with excessive gusto, intimidation, and cruelty, rather than any sense of caution. This compliance by the rank and file is how tyrants steamroll a society into submission.
If you voted for Donald Trump, Fuck You.
Fuck that. Trump is the pure distillation of the Republican party’s strategy since Reagan, if not sooner. Covert, coded racism has ceded to overt, proud racism, but they’re still fucking the same chicken. It’s getting louder and angrier as people age out of the workforce and let their “shitty human being” flags fly.…
Yeah, that’s the guy we want in charge of stuff, a low-rent Jabba the Hutt.
There is a claim that green card holders are being cuffed and their social media reviewed. They are being questioned about their attitudes toward Trump.