
I love Mad Men. Love Breaking Bad also (you can tell from my name). Here's a good article in which the author makes the argument that Breaking Bad is the best of the signature dramas of the last decade (though Klosterman clearly wanted to get a rise out of people by saying anything was better than The Wire).

Pete Campbell is my favorite character in Mad Men by far and oddly enough Pete and Trudy have the healthiest relationship on the show. I've also heard that Pete will play a major role this season so I hope this means we see alot of Trudy.

Ok now I'm definitely going to have to watch this episode I love the French people dancing skit.

I liked it as well, especially for a debut film. The only Truffaut film I have seen is Small Change which I liked alot. My favorite French film I've seen is Jean de Florette though

Did anyone see Submarine? Thoughts?

Caroline Decker on the other hand…….

And of course Abed - 'Check-a-roonie'!

Pierce would have been fourth on my list for who I would have figured would have been a member of the mile high club.

@avclub-a54ddb402bd6590aa27965e4c34901e3:disqus your John Slattery idea is great. it also reminded me that whenever we do finally see Jeff's dad I'm sure he'll hit on Annie. Roger-Trudy?

@SpongyandBruised:disqus ha oh its very realistic and it is pretty much what is going to happen. hopefully soon.

@avclub-954aef1dd01f3d3bb8e12966116cfdd1:disqus LOVE this idea.  Buddy Garrity as Britta's absentee father

yeah Ive only seen Borat once, and it was in theaters. It's probably the best in theatre experience I've had in my life - the crowd was going insane. but yeah it quickly became played out as it became a pop culture phenomenon, but I still included it because it was a memorable movie from the year.

@SpongyandBruised:disqus I love the idea of NBC making the announcement and all of dropping whatever we're doing and rushing here to comment like crazy.

Just watched New Girl for the first time, the episode with Lizzy Caplan.  holy shit is Zooey Deschanel always this annoying in this show? I love her in other roles but she pissed me off every time she was on screen. Also, it seems like a poor man's Happy Endings.

All he does is LIN

I would love to see Linda Cardellini playing anything

yeah I preferred the Prestige as well. and I agree about 2011.

some other movies form 2006 that I liked a lot: