
@avclub-f0063baac3d62f59a0f27e4e9a29471a:disqus I love Pan's Labyrinth. 2006 is one of my favorite year for movies in the last decade:

Gillian Jacobs @GillianJacobs@meganganz here is the "DreamaTORGium" that Natalie props made: lockerz.com/s/182518901

my favorite Parks episodes are when we see the wacky town and all the side characters associated with the main cast (when the show gets as close to what I presume the Simpsons is like)

I don't even think The Fight is one of the better episodes of that show.

I'm definitely Abed. I've been 100% optimistic since Day 1 that it was coming back and I've been 95% optimistic about a season 4. In a lot of ways the fan community coming together since the hiatus has been announced has been a blessing in disguise. A lot of people heard about Community who hadn't really every given

@avclub-3da678392d5ac1ff456fe6e06354fdef:disqus nicely done! Britta as Nymeria is definitely my favorite (it's kind of why I like Britta as Arya too if we want to use the more prominent characters.)

agreed. Britta is the MVP of that episode. (like many IMO).

maaaaaaaaaan. that would suck in terms of having to wait EVEN longer for Community.

Here are the ratings by episode done by IMDB users (who I think are just as knowledgable about the show and just as obsessed as posters here):

@avclub-d71760750778a95386b703f5c9e474f0:disqus yeah Jeff as Tyrion definitely works. he bleeds Lannister red for sure.

Also Annie's best fit is Sansa, imo.

The best fit is Abed as either Varys or Littlefinger. They are the ones behind everything and do things often to see what happens, even if it hurts others (in a minor way in Abed's case).

I liked it for what it was, it was very funny, but I think it was 80 percent of a good movie. Definitely worth a watch. It's been a few years since I saw it so I don't remember any details.

I think HBO shows are best watched all together at the end of the season. That's how I watched Boardwalk Empire after I couldn't get into it after the first few eps in season 1. I'm going to do the same with season 2.

I still have no idea what show that was for, did they even show the name? All I saw was a hairy torso

gotta go with Gillian. Alison Janney is dead to me after that LOST episode

cool, thanks.

it's a really well-done video. what's the song from the second half? it's stuck in my head now

In honor of one of the greatest female characters to ever grace our TV screens….

I'm just a fooool for you….