
does anyone think it's odd that Season 2 ends with the group, including Jeff, inviting Pierce back into the group and then Season 3 starts with Jeff day dreaming about how glorious the year was going to be without Pierce? what happened over the summer?

@avclub-eacfd4bc381a7e84fc2669553d27c2cb:disqus the show was never planned as having a four year arc. Dan Harmon specifically fought for the show to be called 'Community' rather than 'Community College' because he knew from the start the show was more about a Community of people rather than just a college story. 

I'm very disappointed that only 13 people included Communication Studies on their ballot (I know, I'm a broken record), especially when an episode like Modern Movement had 15 votes.  I hope it's just that a lot of people hadn't seen it in a while, I hope when more people participate having watched the seasons

this is what DH tweeted a few weeks ago about it:

this is a good idea. I would love to see the median ranking for each episode and how the list would look like if we ranked by median.

Dan Harmon @danharmon

@avclub-0f76113844e1facf90ab2496bc10264c:disqus so you had modern movement at 4! DILEMMA DELETED.

I'm definitely glad RCT made number 1, it is very fitting. But someone a few days ago made a good point that Modern Wafare is the only high concept episode of Community that I think had ZERO backlash. Remedial Chaos Theory had a small backlash - people said it was too repetitive or that it was just fan masturbation. I

@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus I agree with you and I don't think we are in the overall minority. Ultimately 40 extra episodes with these characters and writers would be amazing to have, regardless if the quality goes down.

Here was my top 10:

Danny Pudi @dannypudi

@avclub-8b9341d3e5efa7b3b4b3a601d4da802a:disqus Obama will destroy any of these clowns. if anything, romney is better to face than Santorum. Santorum stands for something, Romney has painted himself into a corner and it will be very easy to beat him

there are other TV shows?

yeah I hope RCT is #1 as well.

maybe 'the worst' should only be saved for special occasions, like Britta.

if I had just ONE wish for the back half of season 3 - it would be another episode with the same tone and rawness of Mixology Certification.

we can argue all day about whether season 1 or 2 is better but it always comes to the same conclusion - season 1 is more consistent, season 2 reaches greater heights more often, but also has duds that are worse than almost any season 1 episode.

in other news, Hawthorne wipes sales are BOOMING in those states tonight.