
I've thought it was a V Mars ref since we first heard it in Paradigms

someone explain to me what they like about Geography of GLobal conflict - to me it should be the clear cut dead last ranked show of season 3 so far. Ecology has the fun group interactions of the rankings and with Todd.

I tried watching season 3 of Parks today  - it does not have the rewatchability factor that Community has. not even close.

agreed. the germans should have got way more to do.

why is annie so TERRIBLE at dusting?did she grow up rich and never have to do chores? she sucked at it!

I didn't realize that If I die before you was used in 305 - when was it used?

absolutely, haven't seen it mentioned anywhere else but it was great delivery by jeong.

if you want to see another example of her rapping its on the S2 dvd special features, as referenced above

am i the only one who is looking WAY more forward to the movie than this?

ABSOLUTELY. that scene has reminded me of jane from the second I first saw it.

lol. part of why Britta is the MVP this year.

I love how there are different groups of posters on each side of the comment list depending if people are using oldest first or newest first

Whitney could not be a better example of dead show walking.

parks is only getting 400k more viewers than Community. but a better demo rating. the 18-49 demo for community is getting jipped by BBT!!!! parks competition is Rules of Engagement.

well I think a lot of people here have said they need to watch it twice to truly appreciate it. the first time I watch it I'm so distracted by the fact that there is a new episode.

one thing - parks and rec gets BARELY better ratings than community. Let's not set out to cast community as this ultra cult hit show that is SO different from stuff like parks and 30 rock whose ratings aren't all that hot either.

well I'm going to go more by your Archer avatar rather than you being a fan of BBT to say that you probably would like Community. Start from the beginning and watch to really appreciate it. if you want.

no one? this is AVClub people

you know who else pops?