
you're a god damned fool

seems as good of a place as any to ask - should I watch Cheers? I'm 25 and I grew up with Seinfeld but completely missed the Cheers boat. I;ve seen a few here and there on reruns when I was younger, but the fact that I see it touted as such a great show seems to make me think I'm missing out on something. DOes it hold

I'm already pissed at the fact that a few years from now all my friends will be all over Community's nuts. I was one of the few people who actually liked AD when it came on the air, and helped get tons of people who I went to college with into the show after it had been cancelled already. Now everyone who has a brain

i'm sorry - if you're posting on a HAPPY ENDINGS thread, you should already know the awesomeness that is cougar town. if you dont-  GTFO please

absolutely 100 percent agree. Glover's best moments that come to mind for me are when he ISNT part of the TROBED machine and is either riffing with someone else or being serious.

this mostly comes from the fact that I enjoy quick-dialogue based humor and that has been missing in some of the episodes this season. especially from Jeff.

Definitely a great, fun episode, but am I alone in thinking it wasn't all that funny? I love this show to death, but if you take these 5 episodes from this season and any random sample of season 1 or 2 episodes, I have to honestly say there would have likely been more laughs from 1 or 2. still a good episode though.

Cougar Town needs more love

of all side characters that need to be back - I want to see Shershow again


this was the funniest

i was wondering this too. His dad was pretty damn funny on it though

Parks, Community, and HE are indeed my favorite three network comedies.

I want a Happy Endings reference on Community soon too. Abed should watch Cougar Town and Happy Endings but ignore Modern Family

This show is on fire. This show is the Flag Day of ABC Sitcoms

why is this shitty show still getting comments here?

i can go for that

naginta naginta thats my naginta

great episode

wow - this was the first episode I ever watched and I liked it. funny to come here and see that not only was it an A, it was also written by Hilary Winston. Awesome! sad that she left community but she is doing good work here.