Lorem Ipsum

Wouldn’t the mature thing be to meet up for a fight somewhere?

Sanka, ya dead?

Because you bleat about them constantly, and they’re so embarrassingly stupid as to be easily memorable. Plus there’s this amazing new thing (it is neither new nor amazing) where you can click on some dumbass’ name and see every dumbassed thing they have ever posted, and you’re a nonstop factory of idiotic rightwing

you don’t actually mention the Jamaican reggae superstar’s name.

So can we be clear-deadspin hates white people and will do everything possible to disparage them. This is a chamber of echoes and no debate is tolerated.

Any relation to our Louis-Dreyfus?

Sorry Tim, I tried to read this review but all i kept hearing was WAH WAH WAHHH WAH WAH WAH WAH!

Was the Golden Age of Hollywood strong on people of color?

I don’t understand. I thought all of the “new” directions were on hold until after Secret Wars. Can someone explain?

“top-tier European club”

That looks way scarier than FNAF

“Sanders wasn’t really seen as all that serious a candidate until Black Lives Matter blew him up”

One of the group’s leaders is a white guy who claimed to be black but got outed. I don’t even have a joke here.

Well, how is he supposed to know if he did anything wrong if someone doesn’t beat the shit out of him first?

Oh calling names? Ok cumstain hack writer, I’ll say it again: The headline “Vin Baker’s Training to Manage a Starbucks” is a passive dig at the guy. I suspect you’re the cockbreathed cousin at the holidays saying, “Hey Jim, so how’s it going working in the GROCERY STORE? What? Why’s the guy pissed? Just asking about

This reminds me of how Ray Lewis destroys his white suit when he murders someone.

lol...silly PC d bags