
It’s entirely possible you’re right. But it’s also possible he stayed with her for a decade after she cheated because he loved her and wanted to make it work, and even though she made an earnest effort to regain his trust he couldn’t quite let go of the hurt. Everything is on the table. You have been very fatalistic

It’s disingenuous to say the situation has been going on for a decade. Yes, he’s been mad that long, but she wasn’t aware of it and thought they had moved past it. One partner quietly holding on to rage for 10 years is very different than both partners being aware of the issue and making an active choice to work

Thanks for bringing a degree of sanity to this shitstorm of a thread.

Sure, because any reasonable celebrity hates Trump. Conservatives wouldn’t have any problem with their own doing it. Roll out Toby Keith at the Fuck Nugget awards honoring country music’s most assholish bros, and they would LOVE to hear what he has to say about our feckless leader.

Cassie asking the important questions.

Well said.

I hope she tries to go through the lunch line to show solidarity or whatever, and the cafeteria worker tells her they are out of tater tots, even though there is TOTALLY a bunch of them right there!

This is the primary reason I’m hopeful he won’t last long. Not that I think spineless House Repubs would actually impeach him, but I think he’ll just get sick of this shit and quit. You know all this scrutiny and criticism is making him miserable. He never wanted to actually BE the POTUS, he was just trying to build

Oh Praise Jebus that Trump is addressing violence against cops! THAT is a pressing issue. Not that I condone anyone shooting a police officer, but for fucks sake that shit is taken extremely seriously already and fuckers pay the piper for that. In the list of things wrong with this fucking country right now, that’s

But Jason heard from 100 people. A quick google search tells me there are 20,000 or so gamestop employees out there. That’s like a fraction of a %. I know there are more than 100 associates probably doing this sort of thing, but I still feel like it must be a really small percentage.

Man, you know you’ve reached peak asshole when even rich, racist old white women are like “Hey, hey...that’s a bit too far. I think I’ll buy these other $400 shoes.

You’re lucky. My family/friends (I use that term loosely...work acquaintances) that voted for Trump are reveling in all this shit. “Finally, a President who delivers on his campaign promises!” They’re fucking loving it. It’s hard to reconcile the destruction of our country when half the population is actively rooting

I don’t give a damn about ESO, but damned if Betheseda doesn’t make some fire fucking teaser trailers. I still remember the original ESO trailer with the bad-ass rogue guy.

I get that the Republican senators need to toe the party line and kiss the redneck’s asses and all that, but how in the fuck could any of them justify voting for this trainwreck? Nobody with a shred of professional integrity could see her as qualified. Of course, I guess I just answered my own question.

Meh, it’s one category out of 9 or 10 or however many your league uses. His 15+ rebounds per game average and consistent double doubles still make him a must start.

I hear what you’re saying, but we had the awesome Ifrit fight right before Ardyn, so we got our spectacle there.

Holy shit.

I beat the game and enjoyed it, but I still have no idea what the fuck the ending was all about.

I get that mobile gaming tends to be a punchline, but I swear to God I’ve spent more time/gotten more enjoyment out of Galaxy of Heroes in the past 6 months than I have any AAA title, including Battlefield, Titanfall or FF XV. And that’s without spending a dime on it.

sjw delusions