Lorde Michaels

Any love for Fixed? It's one of my least played NIN pieces but I think it's because I just love Broken and Downward so much.

I can still hear that scratchy, metallic guitar riff in my head almost 25 years later.

As a bladder cancer survivor I can attest that just shoving broken guitar strings in the out door CANNOT be satisfying in any sort of way. Each scope I had was terrible and I ended up having to take medication prior to each one because I couldn't control my blood pressure. Seriously, WTF?

I will go to this in Council Bluffs IA ONLY if I am assured he will play the whole show in his pajamas while tinkering on a baby grand piano that sits inside a gigantic sand box.

Thanks THEBOSS for pointing to where snow comes from in that header photo.

My wife and I had a son 11 days ago. We have basically had HGTV on in the background every hour of his life. Saturday I took a stand and we watched Ocean's Eleven. Yeah, the DeanO, Sinatra. Sammy version. Cesar Romero was the star IMO.

Don't forget we had Nancy Kerrigan host onceā€¦

That hurts Snarkoleptic. I hope it was the early 80's years.

Just imagine the sound of Rickman's voice greeting David Bowie out there in the stars. "Helloooo Mister. Bowie."

Yeah, but nothing for JTT. Granted he wasn't in the film but I just miss seeing him in a tux.

I saw it in the 35mm version so I guess I can live with 3.

I'm going to go ahead and apologize for this now. Except for Horatio. I love that guy.

This was a good year if you like Tom Hardy. It was a bad year if you like Ed Hardy.

No love for H8ful Eight?
To quote the amazing Jodie Sweeten, "How Rude!"


You mean Bad like Michael Jackson, right?

You are forgetting that hive of scum and villainy "HURLEY".

They have this game at my local Beercade. It's even more fun after a couple of suds.

Don't forget cute Mugsy Bogues and Alzono Mourning!

i'm going to finally watch all of the Cosby show. No, the second one.