Lorcan Nagle

But think about the hilarity of the feud between Crazy Town and Sharon Osbourne when they got kicked off of Ozzfest

Grunge was more of an idea than a specific sound, I think. Soundgarden and Alice in Chains were definitely coming out of metal, while Nirvana was an arty punk band through and through, but then Pearl Jam was closer to 80s alternative rock bands in content. There's a lot of metal in there, of course but a lot more to

If you insert Galaxy Quest in between Insurrection and Nemesis, it keeps the good/bad sequence and the good-even odd-bad ones intact.

The pitch document for that used to be online, it looked like a great idea for a show.

I don't think I've seen that episode since it first aired so I'll bow to your memory there. Though now that Trek is back on Netflix in Ireland I might give it a spin. If nothing else there's some sweet Foundation Imaging CGI in there.

That's fair. And I'd probably have less of a problem if Voyager hadn't already gotten the nickname USS Reset Button by the time the episode came around.

Final Mission is one of my favourite TNG episodes, and I was sad to see Wheaton leave the show as they figured out how make Wesley a compelling character.

If Year of Hell hadn't ended with everything being reset, again, I'd have loved it so much more

You know what six films average out to be pretty good? The original Star Trek films.

Or that General Martok, who had already been replaced by a changeling once, looks and sounds just like the humanoid form of the changeling who wasn't part of the great link and arrives on DS9 just in time to give Odo second thoughts about life among the Solids.

Whenever I'm reading a book with graphic sex scenes, it feels like one starts as soon as I open the book on public transport. And then I feel like everyone around me is reading over my shoulder and wondering what the fuck.

I was in a cybercafé in Spain a few years ago and one guy in there was watching porn and not attempting to hide it at all. He was even sitting at a computer that was clearly visible from the street through the café's window. The two women working at the counter had this bemused/horrified look on their face as I

The family-friendly version that plays on TV in the UK and Ireland just butchers that entire scene:
Ray: "Everything was going fine-"
Mayor: "Is that true?"
Venkman: "Yes it is-"

that somehow suggests that Irish politicians are no longer hoplessly corrupt. Which I assure you couldn't be further from the truth

It was concistently one of the funniest shows of the last year (excepting heavyweights like Veep and Silicon Valley), and it has a shockingly frank and nuanced look at mental illness in terms of the main character's depression and anxiety (I know a few people with similar issues, and Rebecca's erratic behaviour in the

UK/Irish Netflix has Crazy Ex-Girlfriend now, so there's some level of it reaching over to Europe at least.

My only complaint about Silicon Valley is that Zach Woods no longer has time to be on Veep, calling Sue Garfunkel's Roadie.

I'll have to look back and see of Cole was wearing his Earthforce academy ring in that scene. He kept it when Crusade was cancelled and wore it as part of his costume for Office Space