Lorcan Nagle

Nothing can stop me now… except microscopic germs.

I wouldn't have even known about this show without the AV Club's coverage. I'm greatly ensaddened that the reviews are finishing up, especially mid-series.

No way man, Jonah Ryan 2026

There was a 25th anniversary panel with most of the TNG cast a few years ago, and Aaron Douglas from BSG asks Wil Wheaton about his feelings as an outsider in the Trek cast. It's incredibly heartfelt and touching, and shows how awesome they all are:

It's a neural peptide cake.

That bit got cut to shreds for every airing on BBC or Sky after the first one, which disappointed teenage me so much.

A friend of mine has defended his home with a broadsword actually. It was an ornamental one, and he used it to intimidate a burglar into leaving.

And we all know what fried potatoes and gasoline are made of, right? Electrons.

I'll admit I'm sleep challenged. I just spent 4 days trapped in a steel box out in an oil rig full of robot forklifts. But now I'm back, and I am recovering, and I am focused, and we're going to pivot. Don't lose faith guys. Look at me, look at me. We've got a great name, we've got a great team, we've got a great

I thought that Gilfoyle didn't twig Jared was lying because he told the literal truth. I can't remember the exact line right now but didn't Gilfoyle ask if the user total was faked, not if the people using it were doubing or tripling up.

"p.s. No, I don't want anyone here to explain cloud storage to me."

One of my favourite moments in Archer and Armstrong is when Archer gets the Sect's attention by picking up a payphone and saying "23. Fnord. Skidoo"

I read all of Ivar, Timewalker a week or two ago and loved it. It's like a slightly twisted version of Doctor Who, and I loved that the book even acknowledges it at the very end.

Everything Peepers did was amazing. I even cracked up at the way he extended his arm for Flobelle to shake his hand, and - then told her not to touch him

The total number of people who own guns is going down, but gun sales are rising - it's more guns being sold to fewer people.

Dear Lord who guides me and nourishes me, I set foot on this path that you have laid before me with a strong arm and a willing heart to totally rock this shit. Amen. The Jonah Ryan Story, chapter five: "The House Kneels Before the Fucking J-man." I'm running for Congress!

I think it was more to stop tech blog woman from reporting on him not paying up. He still wants to maintain the illusion of being successful in front of all his enemies.

Shit, I was trying to figure out where I knew him from!

I paused that bit, turmed my laptop to my wife and said "hey, want to see yer one from My Girl's death glare?"

"This season came and went faster than any other season for me."