Lorcan Nagle

Did he take the 20 million? I'll need to go back and rewatch but I thought the scene ended with him saying he'd have to think about it (and I assumed he was being serious, because this is Big Head we're talking about)

There was the mariachi band at the end of the episode when Gavin offered to buy out Pied Piper. I think their song played over the entire credits?

At the highly pretentious Dublin Web Summit (I was there for a career night that turned out to have no networking opportunities), I happened to overhear an American woman asking one of the security/stewards where she could get an Uber, which lead to a lot of blank faces because they're just not a thing here. It's

It was like trying to explain global warming to a dog.

Hey, they're not just homophobes. They're pretty misogynistic too. And they hate sex out of wedlock.

Stannis is basically the Judge Dredd of Westeros. Unswervingly loyal to the law of the land, even when it's a mistake to do so. My favourite character in the series, and he's not dead, damn it!

Fuckin' A

He's here, Tom, he's here!

I heard it for the first time when watching a video of Adam Savage speaking at W00tstock, of all things (he sang it to finish his set), and it was incredibly effective. Fantastic song.

"You’ve seen her kill the Italian prime minister."

Especially because it's a good description of Dan, really.

Every time someone said they hadn't got the password yet, I yelled at the screen that it was guest

I found Cyborg Barry's appearances to have severe diminishing returns when he just kept showing up and ruining Archer's life, so an episode balancing his physical superiority with the sad sack elements of his first few appearances is much more to my liking. I groaned when I learned he was in this episode but found

Then I'll change it!


They did one for Silicon Valley in the last week or so.

Dan's breakdown was all worth it just for one moment:

I don't know why I said T. My middle name is John.

Thompson's very brief appearance as the Queen in the Stay Down sketch always cracks me up: