Lorcan Nagle

When he told Rebecca the aftermath of Greg's benders was like a war movie, I was almost expecting a stinger scene of the pair of them sitting on his couch watching a war movie while Greg nursed his hangover.

Same, it was one of the first times I've liked his performance too.

Spend the cash on 960 million one-dollar hookerbots, or one 960-million dollar hookerbot

It's the turducken of sympathy balloons!

One band I like has actually had live tracks pulled off their own channel by the copyright system.

there's no difference between trigger warnings and the box on the back of the DVD packaging that tell you how much sex and violence and swearing is in a movie. It's just a new term, and a handful of stories of people taking things too far that have been latched onto.

I work in the corporate sector, and saw that episode the day I learned about SWOT tables in a process improvement course. It was the best coincidence.


plus, technically it was ivory.

He has a few lines in California Christmastime as well.

Avatar is the only film I saw in 3D, and I discovered about an hour in that I can only focus on 3D imagery for about an hour. I fell asleep not long after that.

Upvote for agent Hunky Brewster

The last page of the first chapter of the manga has the line "The next day, an assasination order signed by the previous Prime Minister was delivered by a woman named Motoko Kusanagi (obviously an alias)"

Ghost in the Shell is set in the city of Niihama, in Niihama prefecture. The manga says it's on an artifical island, while Stand Alone Complex puts it as reclaimed land from the Seto Inland Sea

Said the android Bishop…

Her story about Pinewood reminds me of one of my favourite stories about Aliens. They're shooting in Pinewood on a soundstage that's basically a giant hanger, complete with huge doors on one side. The whole set for the atmosphere processor plant is built in here. And some dramatic scene with dark lighting and tons

I agree, of course. I'm just glad that next week is the last episode until late rin the year, and not the last episode ever.

Rebecca was there for I love my Daughter (but not in a creepy way), and I think Getting Bi as well. But yeah, she's been absent for a good few songs at this point.

Eh, this is a Greg-heavy episode anyway.

But, we are getting new episodes!