Lorcan Nagle

Pretty sure Monarch pissing in the sink was another moment of his random dickery/total commitment to being a villain. After all, he laughs at regular jokes like this: AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAA

I also have not seen Lost. I'm perfectly OK with not changing that.

Now I hope that there's never a finale type episode for Venture Brothers ever again, just to annoy Thispeas30.

As soon as it was revealed that 21 was the one who'd put everyone in the bathroom, it made so much sense that he'd leave them that lovely roast chicken complete with little hats on the legs. It's such a 21 thing to do.


I went to see the Takeshi Kitano Zatoichi film when it came out first and there were three teenagers in the cinema, and every time a body part went flying (which was fairly often), they'd break out laughing in the loudest, most obnoxious way. The staff eventually threw them out, thankfully.

Penguins have a gland in their forehead that converst saltwater to freshwater.

Wine? Fuck wine! Wine is for slack pussy Frenchmen!

It's a quote from Futurama, though there it was Soylent Cola.

Split the differencce and go for Life During Wartime?

Only because Psycho Killer is a better title.

or Geecees for short.

Night Dick!

It gets stuck in my head too - though I do watch the show.

Not so! There's an amazing Human Centipede musical. You can find it on Youtube.

I was thinking maybe Gary Kasparov and Bobby Fisher.

Hey, he's also into costumed business (as opposed to costumed play)

I still like that Claremont wrote a story to bring her back and have her point out how messed up what happened to her was.

Didn't Brett Dalton even point out the ways Agent Twirling Moustache was secretly fucking with the team in those early episodes?

Yes, a real paradigm!