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Husbands of River Song is the best Doctor Who Christmas special.

RTD and Moffat frustrated me at times. But Chibnall just completely fails to engage me on any level.

It was the latter.

And while the logical flaws in Heaven Sent are present to a degree......they by no means bring it down from being a spectacular episode.

But not for much longer, eh?

Even the worst, the very worst from Seasons 1-10 had some snappy dialogue.

RTD had a significant hand in some of the most acclaimed episodes of his era such as The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit and Human Nature/The Family of Blood. Moffat significantly re-wrote parts of The Doctor’s Wife.

It’s a good story, but it doesn’t quite fit in with the Avatar mythology. Hello Future Me summed it up well.

Both varying levels of mediocrity.

I can even sympathize with the argument that the show should have been tighter and shorter. But that just wasn’t how RBW wanted to run it. He wanted to run it for as long as possible.

That’s not even considering what’s waiting for humanity in the year 200,100. Australia changed shape in The Parting of the Ways.

Until Chibnall leaves, for sure.

Well, Legend of the Galactic Heroes is still better as far as space operas go. But...damnit, it deserves reviews!

Yeah, not to be melodramatic, but I basically consider Series 10 the end of new Doctor Who for me. Might look out for Series 13, but it’s Chris Chibnall. It’s not going to improve until he’s gone.


Gone. It’s battling it out with The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances.

Yeah, Bryan Fuller is never running a show again, apparently. And Neil Gaiman’s experience with Good Omens put him off tv for good.

Yes indeed—not to mention that the stories of most of the female companions of the RTD era’s female companions end when they get married. Amy’s Choice is so good because it specifically rejects that as a false dichotomy. Neither showrunner was perfect on this issue, and that tends to get overlooked quite a bit

And consistently good? If you laid out all the episodes from RTD’s tenure, I’m not sure the ratio of good to bad would be so favorable....