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It might be the best episode of the show altogether.

That episode was originally intended to air in the first half.


The Capaldi run is better to me as a whole than Smith’s, even though Season 5 is the best season of the revival overall. And S6 is full of gems.

Most Moffat haters can agree that Heaven Sent is a masterpiece, as well. The consensus about those two seem to be pretty unanimous.

Yeah, Seasons 3 and 4 of Sherlock can go to hell.

That’s true. It is definitely a grueling job. 

Not a character arc.

I’m not the biggest fan of either, though I’ve got more problems with Schur than Sugar for sure. His shows start off really fresh and fun, and then curdle after a couple seasons.

I like Buffy Season 6, but I’m glad Last Christmas eased up on the depressing aspects.

Oh yeah, remember Curse of the Fatal Death?

I have no idea, but whatever the cause is....it’s clear the show has had a shoestring budget. Which is annoying because it’s my favorite of the major sci-fi franchises.

I consider Heaven Sent the best thing Steven Moffat’s ever written, ending and all.

I’d be fine with one self-indulgent farewell tour. Having Journey’s End and The End of Time be about 4 stories apart is a bit much.

I read somewhere that Nightmare in Silver was also a production nightmare. Series 7 was full of them, apparently. A Neil Gaiman-penned Cybermen episode set in a space theme park should’ve been a home run. And it was such a nightmare that he hasn’t come back. Imagine him writing a Capaldi episode.

You really should give those last two seasons + Last Christmas a shot.

Sometimes it worked for me, sometimes it didn’t. I’ve been meaning to re-watch Hell Bent to see which side of that divide I’m on.

That is very interesting. We don’t really disagree that much. I just find Chibnall a few degrees more aggravating.

Of the classic show? I agree for sure. But the very first episode holds up extremely well.

Much less so after Series 8. He really clicked into place for me in Last Christmas.