
The accepted practice was, you sacked a city if it failed to surrender to you, to incentivize surrender - you didn’t sack a city that had surrendered. So for example when the french sacked soissons it sent an shock of outrage through all of christendom, so much so that when the french were shockingly defeated at

Actually, there’s a logically consistent rationale for differentiating between pregnancies conceived in rape and those conceived consensually - it’s a fucked-up rationale, one that demonstrates how little conservatives actually care about life/”life”, but it’s one that goes to the heart of conservative attitudes about

Well, the truth comes out eventually ... Turns out all that horseshit about proportionality was pretext and your real position was always that sexual harassment isn’t really sexual harassment unless it involves explicit rape threats or continues over an extended period of time. It was smart of you to hide your true

Actually it has crushed the demand for secretaries, at least; can’t comment on the other examples, although you’re going to be hard-pressed to convince me that there wouldn’t be a lot more accountants without tax-filing software, for example, and it’s sort of beside the point, because the idea is that people will

You haven’t learned yet, but soon will learn, just how overrated dragons are - they’ve been pushed so far in the series only so their eventual failure will be more dramatic. That’ll piss a lot of people off too, I’m sure.

If you think it's even possible the white walkers will get even more prominence than they've already had, you never understood the series, book or tv.

Maybe 10% of them were about the white walkers as an existential threat.

Don’t be obtuse. The chair itself has only been around for so long, but the politics it represents have been around since before the wall - since before the andals even stepped foot on the continent.

Dude, the most pointed theme of this series has been the stupidity of nearly all its players - particularly of those who allow their values, good or evil, to overwhelm their realpolitik.

The whole reason grrm introduced dragons into his meditation on medieval british politics was to debunk them as a trope, and to remind people like you of the limitations of airpower. Remember vietnam? Turns out that air superiority by itself doesn’t mean much, not when your air support is expensive/irreplaceable and

I'm not going to contest your broader argument, but bro - rats can get into perfectly intact, brand-new vehicles. This is a common problem for people who park their vehicles for a long time.

No, it's the final confirmation that you, and a huge chunk of the audience, don't understand what the show is supposed to be about. Like it or not, this is where grrm's outline leads.

No, they weren’t. You never understood the series, not from the first book.

Don’t count on it. That's wishful thinking on more than one count.

No, understanding why a villain is a villain ruins him - see darth vader. The most terrifying villains are inexplicable forces of nature.

No. Anybody who's done the research knows this series is grrm's retelling of the war of the roses, with supernatural elements tossed in to attract audience attention. You may think you have a better central theme for the series than the one grrm wanted to write, but that doesn't change that fact that you are wrong

You are really going to be gutted if and when grrm finishes writing and you realize most of these characteristics are endemic to his series, too. The supernatural stuff was always a sideshow for the medieval british politics he wanted to discuss, arya fanservice resolving that subplot is surely the way her character

Yeah, you never understood the series, book or tv, sorry. It’s a discussion of medieval british politics into which grrm inserted some supernatural stuff that never really fit well because he knew a general audience would never spring for a retelling of the war of the roses, interesting as that subject is. You were

The whole point, presumably, of grrm writing dragons into the series (other than attracting an audience) was to examine the limitations of air power. Our own history tells us how limited airpower without ground support is, particularly when its unrestrained use would challenge the moral values or political legitimacy