
Dresden Files by Jim Butcher

The haunted house segment is so greatttt :D It had a cabin in the woods vibe to it. Just fun to watch!

I love this movie. There are weak sections and strong sections, but overall a great late night with the lights out movie. Although, the part that really got to me is the segment with the girl and the guy on vacation. What bothered me is how realistically that situation could actually play out in the real world, and

I love both V/H/S movies, they're a bit uneven, but they're great

The Sequel was even better.

Uncle Kracker. That name makes me smile just by itself.

Hold the fucking presses! This guy is quitting Gizmodo because Gizmodo didn't tailor the Soundtrack feature to his specific tastes!

This series is going to be good. I can feel it in my nuggets.

68. UberFacts is Still UberWrong

I somehow suspect that you and I are not reading the same YA fiction, or else we are having very different experiences with it. Stories like The Graveyard Book and The Coldest Girl in Coldtown and The Hunger Games are thumping good reads, and this writer is disparaging them because they feature young protagonists and

I have difficulty with the idea that most fiction is crap. Who gets to decide that value?

There's surprisingly little paperwork involved.

Seriously! And these two guys were under orders to assassinate each other, wtf! Who ordered that? I'm running off to google now...

ever try boiling all the water out of tea or coffee. it looks the same. This is sensationalism at its best !

I think The Dresden Files is the poster child for this. (it really DOES get better though, right around Book 3, and then becomes AWESOME and super fun)

So a smaller sample size ,949 vs 6K, done faster, 1 yrs vs 5 yrs, is more efficient?

What a pompous fart you are.

"but preliminary results have shown that the nicotine-laced vapor generated by an electronic cigarette promotes the development of cancer in certain types of human cells much in the same way that tobacco smoke does."

This is the problem with "science." There are literally hundreds (if not thousands) of people saying that e-cigarettes have helped them quit smoking. Yet it takes a "surprising" scientific paper to convince. Science is one tool for discovering the truth, not the only tool.