
"The Flash's completely red one piece suit isn't red and one piece-y enough" is one of the craziest fanboy complaints I've seen.

Imma gonna disagree with this one. Perfect twist.

I didn't mind the design, as it was adapted from the Ultimate Gah-lak-tus. My issue with it was that there was no threat, no overwhelming dread, etc.

This does point out the subtle racism in many of us. It feels more "normal" (dare I say, "safe"?) for a white family to adopt a black son, than a black family to adopt a white daughter.

Step siblings? One of them is adopted? Caucasian mother? These all will work. I'm all for diversity, but if you're going to do it don't do it half-assed. Sue should be black as well. Kerry Washington, I'm looking at you!

And that person is you! Congrats!

Shit, just pay some royalties and make it about Waldo Butters.

Legolas. Every line of dialog he has is essentially repeating soemthing someone else just said, or stating the painfully obvious.

The first female characters they brought in were your stereotypical, "let's sex this up and maybe we'll pull in that demographic we're still looking for" characters… So yeah, fans didn't like them and they went away.

I'm in the same spot. Right now I'm wondering why the Queen of Air and Darkness is still holding onto the altar stone instead of releasing control of it totally to Tatiana. Plus, let's face it, Harry's just damn cool!

Ahh, take your soapbox elsewhere. This ain't the thread for it.

Those are all urban legends. As those essays explain, they're coded ways we talk about race while pretending we're not talking about race.

You could make a pretty good argument for Skeeve. :P

If you think Windows 8 is bloated, you've no idea what you're talking about. I understand some people find it confusing, although, it's really not. But it is the most resource friendly version of Windows ever released. It's faster than Windows 7 and that was pretty svelte.

Why? Aside from "superheros?" What would be the practicality of yellow spandex?

Yes. We need plunged back into the stone ages with millions of people that have no appreciable survival skills and a sense of entitlement that they should be taken care of no matter what. Great thinking.

You're the AT&T of people