
Bravo. Gizmodo is entertaining, smartly written, and well edited, and should stay that way. Other than that, I don't give a fuck.

On the internet, this metaphor is far too close to a literal danger

Doesn't everyone know? Bow ties are cool. Matt Smith said so.

I've been trying for a long time to extend my knowledge of poetry beyond Frost and Carrol, thanks!


This is only tangentially related, but one of the things I use Note taking apps for is to keep track of citations for speeches and essays; is there a service that can automatically cite sources and send those to Evernote? And is there a way to insert references and bibliographies in Google Docs?

Aside from the fact that Iraqis themselves confirmed chemical WMDs?

I don't understand the comments comparing this to the US's action in Iraq; the situations are entirely different.

Is there any difference between long distance low impact exercise and short distance high impact? For example, I tried to get into jogging half an hour a day, but it sucked. Because I have a lot of free time, I've transitioned into walking for three hours every day. I've been losing weight and I enjoy it, but am I

Strangefellows?? McAnally's?


"Everyday it's a-gettin' closer, going faster than a roller coaster...."

I'll be interested to see what makes this different from Dropbox; I mean, I'll still switch because I'm a hopeless fanboy, but they need something sparkly to get people to make the move

I regret breaking up with one girl

The University is God and caffeine its sacrament.

Who's spooked? I mean, I've seen some pessimistic Giz articles that could be taken as spooked, but as for actual comments or outrage... not so much.

Makes sense; I consider myself fairly conservative and there are a lot more times where I support a candidate solely because I don't want his opponent elected. [Edit] I'm not try to say that this is an explanation for political leanings, but the correlation is interesting

It will swing around the other way, as well. You have to remember that China's absolutely HUGE worker base is mostly one generation; after the implementation of the One Child laws, their next generation is comparably tiny. So workers are going to be in higher demand and command higher wages, and since they're well on

Will not watch, just came to the page to read the comments. Will not watch. I'd like to feel clean, ever ever again.

No, we're not secular enough, but we're much more secular than we were some decades ago; progress is being made.