
I'm still holding out for an amazing Dark Tower adaptation. That, or a remake of 'Salem's Lot.

I liked Google Wave

meh, I've flirted with sexting (pun intended? perhaps) but I think the least sexy thing in the world would be an acronym or abbreviation like those mentioned above

Why doesn't Google buy Amazon? Google needs content, especially if it wants Music to really take off.

I'm so conflicted about Ender's Game; on the one hand, I love the books, they're one of my favorite sci-fi series of all time. On the other, I can't support Orson Scott Card in good conscious. I pirated all of the books, but this could be awesome to see on the big screen.

Thanks very much

How do I know if I should be programming?

Learn your basics first; HTML, CSS, Javascript, before JQuery, CSS3, and HTML5. Not only will it make you a better programmer, but the fancy stuff actually makes sense once you have a good foundation. If you need to know back-end stuff, I personally lie PHP, but I've heard good things ASP.NET as well.

From what I've heard about the DKR prologue, I'm expecting Bane to come and claim Gotham right away, and his infamous "Break the Bat" moment will happen then, just because of the supposed 8 year gap between trailer and movie, (or was it between The Dark Knight and the Dark Knight Rises? either way...) that seems like

His primary motivation is the death of his loved ones? Uses archaic and sometimes overly theatric measures to great success? Cool weaponry/gadgetry? Virtually unlimited resources? Just trying to keep control of an Empire/City that the Rebels/Joker keep trying to overturn?

Is it bad that I would totally order this disorder, if they sold it on Amazon? I know there must be horrible complications or brain spiders or something, but it just seems like it would be all kinds of awesome.

The product is cool, the name is awful. Smŏkescreen. There's a better one, and it took four seconds.

Upon seeing that Gizmodo was reviewing an Android tablet, I was prepared for a lot of undeserved negativity. After reading about this tablet, if Giz had posted a video of the various writers burning it and pissing on its melted, plasticky mess, I would have applauded.

I can see your point, I'm one of the people that reads about others achieving all this success, even just revamping their lives, or writing a book, and I think "That's great, anyone can achieve this if they just have the willpower!! How do they get the willpower?"

It's not really about assertiveness specifically, but I can't recommend "How To Win Friends and Influence People" enough. It's by Dale Carnegie and it's one one of those "everyone should read it at some point" books.

New Doctor, fine.

I love swearing, but that's because I stopped developing emotionally about the time I was 15. When other, "mature" people do it, I admit it makes me pay more attention.

I just don't understand why they'd want to hide it, especially since Obama is running as incumbent. Think about it, if the President COULD release such information, the very fact that the aliens didn't kill us under his watch and that he came clean about it is probably the best PR in the country. If I were on that

First three comments are complaints and denials. I think Giz needs to preface every article with: "Not every article will be relevant or agreeable to everyone. We are very sorry that people other than you still use the internet. We will correct this problem soon."

Good luck! I'm writing some kind of very odd horror story, just over 5000 words at the moment.