
If people paid me to write about tech, I would write about the tiny things that piss me off sometimes.

I love them, but I do encounter a problem in that a dollar coin still feels like spending small change, whereas a bill seems more valuable. If I take the time to think about it, I know it isn't true, but it's a lot easier to spend five one dollar coins than it is to spend five one dollar bills. Or is that just me?

What's wrong with that? I read in a way that's convenient for me, and the books are serving a different but still legitimate purpose.

I like having physical books because I like people to think I'm well read; to clarify, I *am* well read (at least, I think so) but if you're inviting someone into your house, they'll see a shelf of books, they won't see your vast and varied e-book collection. So I keep subdued, heavy classics on the shelf, as well as

A new Vimes book and a new Sandman Slim book?? I may die of excitement.

I have a problem with tests like the ones recommended, in that I can never answer the questions honestly. No matter what, I'll semi-consciously skew my answers, which makes me mistrust the results. Does anyone have any advice, beyond "don't do that"?

So freaking glad I got the Nexus S4G, I want all this NOW!

I was born in 93, am I Gen X or one of these.... what are we/they calling them/us?

I like that I'm not the only one who noticed that for all the depth of the Star Wars universe (and believe me, I love the entire thing; hell, I don't even mind the prequels that much) there seem to be exactly four things: there are Jedi/Sith, there are politicians, smugglers, and armies. It reminds me of 1984 in a way

Google+ works very well for me at the moment. Was anyone really expecting all 500 million Facebook users to jump ship right away? For being so soon out of the box, I think they're doing well.

Good PR is close enough; the business of business is not sentimentality

You say "ruthless capitalist" like its a bad thing

Happy to say that I've been able to switch over to Google+ with almost no issue

Ouch, this appears to be in poor taste now. I love Steve, may he rest in peace.

I use Voice Actions on my Nexus S all the time. Welcome to the club iPhone users. Other than that, article seems about right from my perspective.

the iPhone 6 will only be available by personal approval from Steve Jobs, who resigned as CEO to work full time on the iPhone approval board (because we can't let just ANYONE buy one)

I'm not saying copying is a bad thing, I just think that they learned some of the wrong lessons from Chrome. Everyone liked Firefox because of openness and security and stability. With this haphazard approach to development, I think they're bound to lose some of it. If they're going to copy, they should be sure to

Okay, I have to ask: Sandman Slim vs John Taylor (Simon R. Green's Nightside series) , who wins?

It's not that surprising, Firefox has been copying Chrome since the 4.0 Beta.

Just an update: I've used it, and it's awesome!! It's very pretty, it's very clean, it's so interesting!