Yes. Absolutely that too. Very definitely unintelligent.
Oh Bill... Shining a light on cockroaches isn’t what caused them to be cockroaches in the first place. Now go pound sand, you fucking shitpossum; you’re fired!
Because nothing says “these sexual allegations aren’t true” like the Catholic Church!
Chaffetz is in the golden shower video in the role of the mattress.
that’s the thing about Torquemada, he only shows up when you least expect him
Sure it is.
Holy Cow.. Is Spicer really reading a book called “How to Catch the Easter Bunny?” Is it a one page book where the only instruction is “Call ICE.”?
Pictured: Melania Trump blowing her safety whistle as a known sexual predator approaches.
me too, tiff. me too.
Yet they didn’t have concentration camps for gay men, did they? This equivocation is ridiculous. I’m not sure why supposed liberals feel the need to knee-jerk defend the worst aspects of Islam, but the fact is, the only concentration camps for gay men are in Chechnya and they’re being run by Muslims.
True story from a “low-key” bride who spent <$300 on her dress. When I first saw my sister-in-law after the ceremony she said—“You look so...comfortable.”
We read novels like this and 1984 as critiques of society and government.
I realize that you probably think you’re helping, but please stop helping.
Huh, La La Land encouraged me to dance on my car in rush hour.
informed industry colleagues of the pending closure of the 18-year-old agency
You clearly know nothing of modeling high fashion.