
Glad to make you laugh, kid. (I hope you don't object to "kid"- I call everyone kid- every one I like, that is).

"Watch this, Lis. You can actually pinpoint the second when his heart rips in half. Annnnddd….now!

You don't say? Well, I always welcome new friends. What's on your resume?

I feel terrible for the writer of that essay. I'm an "unconventional" black man myself (gay, from the suburbs and the deep South, rock aficionado [jazz and hip-hop as well]) and it doesn't send me into despair. Whatever the color of the person addressing me (black included), if they expect some specific kind of

Get Sally away from that methed-up lady from Requiem For A Dream before they all get committed.

Every "twist" involves a character flip-flop meant to be shocking or revealing, but the show as it is hasn't earned the ability to truly shock or the power of revelation. The characters are too poorly sketched (and their drama is too clearly manipulated from above) to invest in them. I just want Collette on a show

I made this point weeks ago, but the main premise of this show is completely fucking untenable. A presidential assassination attempt stretched to series length? The only way to pull that off is to have multi-episode arcs where nothing of consequence happens . And they've certainly achieved that- at the expense of

Unfortunately, the show can't hold on to any of the emotional resonance from its plot developments. In part that's because there's no one to root for. In part that's because the plot developments are largely stupid.

That is pretty much exactly my position. Have you seen Irreversible? An acquaintance recommended it without telling me about its gruesome head-bashing murder or its nine-minute-long rape scene. The latter of which is the worst thing I've ever seen in a film (the murder is a close second, mind you) and the film's

Somehow I didn't expect to hear talk of testicles at full capacity. Surprising amount of humor, good effects, solid execution. I missed the pilot, but I dig this one.

It's a riff on xenophobia and the Ugly American. But it seems to think simply having a discernible premise is all the forethought necessary to justify its sadism. This is not the case.

I get it. I've seen the movie. Thus my previous joke.

I know. With no upside and such a pronounced downside, why the fuck would anybody snitch?

Do not see Hostel. It is the platonic ideal of torture porn. I don't mind horror films (generally speaking) but it is not scary. It is gross.

Not Alicia. I fully understood that. But everybody else was playing dirty dirty- on both sides.

A folie a deux made of delicious, delicious chocolate!

After an embarrassing amount of time and having to re-register to Disqus.

I can't stand Edelman either, but, technically, everybody was doing despicable shit that episode.

I thought it was Carey being ham-fisted about his new role- not that I doubt his moral outrage, I've just never seen him express it so vehemently.

To be entirely clear, it's not the actress, it's the characters. On both shows, she plays disruptive and sneaky and somewhat manipulative with questionable motives and potentially dangerous consequences in the immediate future.