
So they made her a reckless, incompetent psycho? That's so strange.

It'd be fine if I could find shit.

The actual case this week was like watching both empathy and decency get thoroughly crushed under the polished heel of Patrick Bateman.

They definitely incised.

Don't let tattooed writing mistakes cheat you out of silly fun. I sure didn't.

Melissa George's character irritates me here almost as much as she did on Grey's Anatomy.

When she said "I'm made of chocolate" I swear to God I said "Wait…like, she's really made of chocolate?…has Will been humping leftover oversize Easter candy?" And then I laughed and laughed and laughed.

Thanks, Louise : )

Shit, once they made Alain a spy I thought they might reveal Carrie's liquor-store hookup as Javadi's right-hand man.

Carrie said she was off the lithium when she found out a month in. I know nothing of it, is that still too late?

Is there any particular reason Brody looks like a shaved rabbit?

The stress of being shot anywhere could conceivably cause a miscarriage. There was no way Quinn was going execute Carrie (which is what he would have essentially done if he shot her in the stomach); what he feels for her might not be love, but it's close enough.

I never thought they were selling them as 'star-crossed lovers' so much as desperately broken people locked in a mutual delusion. Her motivation for exonerating Brody is intrinsically tied up her need to not have been fatally mistaken about the danger he posed. The last time she was wrong about him (or, rather, thoug

OK, I admit: I laughed just a little when Quinn shot Carrie. I feel like Quinn should have shouted "Snap out of it!" after she hit the ground, Cher in Moonstruck-style. There's a time for off-the-rails vigilantism and there's a time to shut the fuck up.

Will do. Take care, kid. It was really nice talking to you, have a great rest of your weekend : )

That song is on my favorite record of theirs. My favorite musician is PJ Harvey, who Manson is clearly influenced by. If you're not familiar, every single record of hers is worth owning, with Rid of Me, To Bring You My Love, and Let England Shake leading the pack for me (if you're into electronica, go for Is This

Zadie Smith, On Beauty
Jeffrey Eugenides, Middlesex
Percival Everett, Erasure
Colson Whitehead, Zone One
Toni Morrison, Song Of Solomon
Erik Larson, The Devil In The White City
Michael Chabon, The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay
Gayl Jones, Corregidora
Cormac McCarthy, The Road
Jonathan Franzen, Freedom
Dave Cullen, Colu

Thank you, you're a sweetheart for saying that. Actually, my friends took mercy upon me last night and took me out for dinner and a movie- we saw 12 Years A Slave and it was absolutely flawless. I couldn't recommend it more (with the exception of recommending it to those seeking fun fun- if so, you might want to go

My family (which is my older brother and my mother) has been sick for the last two-and-a-half years, so I've been taking take care of them. You'd be surprised how utterly time-consuming it is. I graduated from Berkeley in 2005 and stayed in town until the middle of 2011, when my brother first got sick enough to

Luck and then some, kid. I hope you rock your next couple of drafts.