
Indeed. Hey, how'd your thesis go? Hopefully it was on the neon batshittery of Ryan Murphy's forays into American television (I'm assuming you live across the pond or at least are from somewhere across the pond- I'm a California kid myself)

Yeah, it seems like they should have used the Harrison approach and did absolutely nothing with her character until they figured out a plotline worth engaging with.

Sean and Christian could have at least banged Mario Lopez separately.

I checked out when the kid had to castrate the trans hooker at the behest of the neo-Nazi father of the girl he was dating who was holding them hostage at gunpoint. You know, if I was looking at this exchange from the outside, having never seen Nip/Tuck, I would swear we were just making shit up.

It's infuriating to watch smart people do dumb shit with a big grin on their face. All season, she has pretty much been merrily marching right off a cliff as her friends on the sidelines scream for her to stop. She was a victim for a long time, and now she wants power and some kind of control. Apparently, it hasn't

Yeah, Nip/Tuck was an absolute chemically imbalanced clusterfuck.

Exactly. And honestly, Grey's is a far different show than it was in the beginning. You can't say Rhimes doesn't have a singular perspective; all her shows have her signature in the writing. And before she was fully ensconced in McMarriage, Meredith was (bravely, I think) a frankly sexual female character, and

Sometimes you want lobster bisque, sometimes you want McDonald's. The value of each depends upon what mood you're in. There's no need to "legitimize" pleasure.

For every time Fitz acts like husband, there's about ten other instances of him acting like an entitled asshole with his fingers jammed in both ears, singing "la la la la" towards reality, his family, politics, his marriage; basically, his entire life. Sorry, but his smugly 'idealistic' obliviousness just really

Rhimes swears she knows how Scandal ends, but she said the same about Grey's Anatomy. I've actually seen just about every episode of Grey's (I take care of my sick mother and brother- Lifetime is on a lot) and even when the writing turns gauche and absurd it retains a certain charm (the actors are uniformly excellent,

I know. I've avoided it so far and intend to keep that up as long as live.

James pretty much confessed to an attraction to power in this episode, especially power darkly wielded- which Cyrus has and does in spades. That the power and the wielding makes for a dismissive and abrasive husband James apparently has chosen to live with. Wouldn't be me, but to each their own…

The more that gets revealed about the First Couple's past, the more Fitz looks like a feckless, clueless dick. I'm really starting to get Mellie's simmering, clenched-teeth hostility- she, along with Olivia and Cyrus and a few more in the inner circle, are far more responsible for his rise to power than he is.

Well, not all the time.

Patience really is the key to its excellence; The Good Wife is as good as Mad Men at the slow reveal of its character's inner lives within a work context- there's something as fundamentally unknowable about Alicia Florrick as there is Don Draper.

I'm glad you gave it another shot. Perhaps I'll do the same for Accelerate.

On the contrary, it's just gay porn enough.

Stunt ass?

Spanked by an evil nun, which again, kind of fucks it up.

You better wrap that gavel up, B!