
To be fair, Frankenpeters is kind of down on life at the moment. Asking him to get into the Mac is a bit of a tall order.

I upvote you as well. I've always felt (and practiced) no downvote should occur without a response made under one's own handle. It's kinda chickenshit.

I respectfully disagree. "Strange Currencies" and "Tongue" are worth the (full) price of the record. Just because it was popular at that time doesn't make it negligible. And Accelerate is far too uniform in sound to make itself distinct.

And Peters' Season 2 ass moment came as he was being deloused and committed.

Paulson may suffer in Murphy's worlds, but she comes back in the end to fuck up those who fucked with her. It's one of these show's principal satisfactions.

Frankensteined man-ass beats no man-ass at all. And whether or not we've seen it before, it's nice man-ass. Even while lurching.

I'm going to respectfully disagree with Todd. This episode's delirium was actually edifying- I'm glad Hank is working for Marie as I thought Hank's murderous affairs were going to be one more thing to parse, Kyle has been found and therefore Lily Rabe is back in play, Madison is resurrected, Cordelia loses physical

I saw both Romance and Shortbus in American theaters, and I don't remember any digital fig-leaf, Eyes Wide Shut bullshit. Hopefully, we'll continue the grown-up trend and won't embarrass ourselves with our own embarrassment.

Whenever I see Shia LaBeouf, I think "handsome poodle". And then nothing else at all.

"I hope you get sickle-cell!" R.I.P. Richard Pryor.

How about Operation: Topical or Operation: All Up In Everybody's Ass?

My problem is Grace's lack of agency. The fight between Zach and the perv would have been so much better if she'd gotten a few licks in.

This show could be- no, should be- gloriously campy, but it insists on being so goddamned dour. It squashes its sole shot at successful entertainment by insisting it be taken seriously. It's like this kid I knew in junior high who went from being a RPG nerd to a goth kid over the course of a single weekend. My

Exactly. And seconded on the every Muslim=terrorist thing; if so, I'm done.

Thanks. Will do.

1) I never said Saul was a racist period- I said that he certainly was in that moment.
2) The rage incited was clearly Saul's; it was a threat, not advice.
3) Since Saul was the only one to get in Fara's face, I'm not sure he was even speaking the truth.

As a confirmed homosexual…yes. And, generally speaking, Colgate blondes piss me off.

Owen's a meddler out of love, not malice or disrespect. it's annoying, but it's not a ding on his character.

Yeah, that's a I-can't-decide-whether-to-get-you-locked-up-or-get-my-whole-social-circle-to-beat-the-shit-out-of-you situation. More legal consequence or more blood and tears, basically.

I just woke my dog laughing.