
Some families tolerate abuse from each other all their lives without saying a goddamn thing. Sad but true.

Fat joke. Classy.

I meant I comprehend where I'm commenting, I just didn't think it was necessary in this…oh, Christ, never mind.

Noticed your handle: are you a fan of Robert Christgau? He's my favorite music critic- I disagree with him half the time but he's such a great writer I don't care.

Comprehension is not my problem. I simply disagreed with your now-admittedly harsh interpretation. We can have a debate without condescension, right? Or is planning to be respectful too naive on my part?

That was the implication.

What's with the snark? Yes, they can run together, but in Luke's case I think he's simply stating that it's a dick move to frighten women, not that girls couldn't possibly defend themselves from the terror of it all. As I said, I think he's well-meaning, not infantilizing.

It was well-meaning chivalry not casual misogyny.

FX just replayed "Fearful Pranks Ensue" and I just caught Conroy's tongue rolling "What happened? Elaborate, elucidate."

When I can separate his appearance from his characters. Exactly my problem. The Belgian's in the same genre, just without the associated goofiness.

Actually, Luke does remind me of Ryan Phillippe in Little Boy Blue

Fair enough. Obviously, Elizabeth Berkley is not in my wheelhouse, but I can't see how anybody was ever able to take her seriously sexually after the water aerobics fucktacular with Kyle Maclachlan in Showgirls. But I'm sure people did.

I said kind of hot. The Charlie Day thing actually kind of throws me, no offense to him as a comic genius of course.

OK, I admit it. I think Hank is kind of hot. Like a sexier Charlie Day.

So, is Queenie immortal? Or just impossible to kill? Or does she have to concentrate to exercise the voodoo doll transference or else she's vulnerable? She slit her own throat this episode, so I'm wondering what the limits to her power are.

I was going to be so pissed if Frances Conroy went out like that.

It was a conscious decision by the filmmakers and Miramax to put Travolta as lead and Jackson as supporting to better the odds of a win. And I don't think overall screen time should be the only determining factor in who is the lead actor- emotion, intensity, thematic resonance- all those belong to Jackson's character.

What really pissed me off is that Travolta got the Lead Actor Oscar nomination for Pulp Fiction when Jackson was clearly the protagonist of the film (he got a Supporting Actor nomination).

Oscar the Grouch saying "He ain't gon' do a goddamn muthafucking thing, Snuffy shut the fuck up!"

Yeah, Harry Belafonte was in that and I remember it not being awful, just more than a little obvious. I remember Lucky Numbers vividly because it accomplished the formidable task of making Lisa Kudrow completely unfunny.