
And he doesn't have to play "buttoned-up and ineffectual".

I know, right? Not his finest hour as a thespian…

And after two short years of post-Pulp Fiction A-list rebound it was back to hell in shit like Phenomenon, then declining ever more precipitously to Lucky Numbers and then, of course, Battlefield: Earth. The god-awfulness of Battlefield is well-documented, but Lucky Numbers is really just as terrible (if not worse- B:

Fair enough. I guess- despite their enormous talent- I'm just not inclined to give Matt and Trey the benefit of the doubt after the rise of the South Park Republican, not to mention the presumptuousness of that episode where they thought they could reclaim the word 'fag' from meaning 'gay man'- otherwise known as

Is it me, or is Aaron Staton much better looking here than on Mad Men?

I'd like to know how this hoe money laundering thing works, Phil.

Then wouldn't (or shouldn't) they have had an actually transgendered character for the contrast? They did with Mr. Slave and the Queer Eye guys/Crab People and especially when Mr. Slave and his new boyfriend had the baby and Garrison lost his shit, going on a campaign to ban gay adoption. They've always personified

It's like late-period Phyllis Diller wrote a sitcom about saucy, brassy dames trying to make it in the Big City no matter what it takes! There's an overstated, lame ass pun/groaner every 15 seconds, racial stereotypes, and- worst of all- a genuinely smug sense of its own "provocative" hilarity. Unwatchable.

Well played, sir.

No, shocking news like… Chris conveys vague emotion, blinks. Next week: He takes a drink of water and sighs while looking out the kitchen window.

So the title: solemnly referencing a prayer for redemption of this series or cluelessly nodding to the acts of desperation contained within the plotting of this particular episode?

Yeah, the showrunners are structuring this post-attack trauma/infamy as if Dana is the only one in Brody's family to suffer because of it. I don't get it, but I'm over it. As I said last week, if I had ever behaved like that at her age I'd have gotten my ass kicked, post-suicide attempt or not. Hell, if I behaved

Remember what?

Yeah, I feel the thing that held Season 2 together wasn't that the showrunners were trying to sell a star-crossed romance but that both Carrie and Brody were two sides of the same desperate, fucked up coin locked in a mutual delusion. So far, Brody's absence this season kind of shores up that take on it.

Yeah, she really did. As for her range "issues", teenagers are narcissistic, hyperemotional, irrational and really just fucking annoying (remember Danes' Angela Chase?)- which Saylor has completely nailed. It's not her fault the writers haven't written the character with much balance and it's a testament to her

Base jump.

Ruthless is as ruthless does.

Jordan Catalano.

I wasn't on the Dana hate train, but after the last couple of episodes, I'm hoping like hell this latest exit is reflected in little to no screen time for the character (no offense to Morgan Saylor, who is excellent). At this point all she's done is re-traumatize and then abandon her family repeatedly. And, in the

You're saying that's the case here?