
"cis" and "het": i.e. cis-gendered (your perceived gender matches your physical one) and het (heterosexual). If you're going to talk about transsexuals, these are the applicable terms, whether you consider them hippie bullshit or not.

Hey, Coulter- take it down a notch, will you? Glenn Beck finds you too shrill to take seriously.

Why even mention the musician if you're not going to reference the performance?

No problem. Dead or undead, man-ass is sadly unlikely (I think). And that's what really matters.

Seconded. This season hasn't really gone headlong like Asylum and Murder House- at least not yet- so I'll put my money on the long shot.

They may be able to attach the head to another body, but the original is definitely dead; why else would Angela Bassett be so enraged?

Frankensteined does not mean dead; it means re-animated.

He could also just be thoroughly screwed with all season like Kit Walker.

Judging from your avatar, I can't front on that.

{wah wah wah}
"Just passing through, sir."
{wah wah wah}
"I've got nothing to declare, sir"
{wah wah wah}
"I throw myself on the mercy of the Court!"

I think with all the old ghosts haunting her now powerless old ass, LaLaurie is getting more polite.

With Evan Peters Frankensteined and the Minotaur dead, my guess is Luke the Neighbor Boy is the best bet for Man-Ass this season.


I sure did.

"This will not staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnd!!!"- I've loved Frances Conroy since she was Ruth Fisher and it only grows stronger.

Funnier than Nor'easter, less fucked up than 'The Coat Hanger', and more delirious than 'Murder House'.

"If [Madison] is dead, it's probably 'cause she got wasted and offered the Grim Reaper a handjob or something."- Queenie. This was an especially absurd episode, but, in terms of quotables, it was an embarrassment of riches.

Wow. What a bitchy article.

The videos used to be plentiful…they to used to roam free…then the reality shows came…the videos were displaced…they found compromised shelter in Total Request Live's screaming teenagers…then for a brief, glorious time there was M2…every kind of video aired 24 hours a day…but, slowly, the reality shows swallowed those

Kubrick's film is definitely an interpretation rather than a faithful adaptation. For me, the visuals kill and glacial pacing adds to the dread. A reviewer in L.A. Weekly once said it was "so precisely creepy you could show it with sound off and still scare the bejesus out of everyone in the room". The twins make