
I really enjoyed this episode. William is one of the more fascinating characters on the show and spending an episode more or less entirely on characterization for him was an excellent use of time, even if it meant his death.

Why would you romance Merrill when you could romance Fenris?

Wait… are all the gorillas telepathic?

I'm going to go make myself a sandwich. Jealous?

I like how they saved CGI budget by having Tom Cavanagh do lots of exposition under the telepathic sway of Grodd.

Well Flash has gorillas!

It seems a lot more fun when cut down to thirty seconds of him screaming.


It's delicious and anyone who says otherwise is a crazy person.

He did whine about how the right suddenly adopted the left's tactics. Which is funny because he also complained about the videos being "deceptively edited" or, exactly what Project Veritas does.

As the Guardian pointed out he wasn't invited to CPAC because of anything he did… he was invited because (the right) people protested him. His racism, anti-semitism, misogyny, transphobia, Islamophobia, and occasional homophobia are only viewed as such from a liberal perspective. From a conservative perspective, he's

They don't think of themselves as the bad guys. Some people (Milo himself being the prime example) might be self-aware and cynical enough to believe they are doing actual harm and yet still keep doing it for the money. But most of them, CPAC in particular, consider themselves to be the heroes of the story.

But still a flying city populated entirely by highly mutated superhumans is going to be a little costly….

I assume Disney made more money in a single year from both sales than they cost.

It's pretty clear that four billion dollars was drastically underselling Marvel's IP's value.

Well, let's hope they are paying a ridiculously high price per episode. But really, season one of Inhumans should follow the storyline of Inhumans vol. 2 by Jenkins and Lee. And season two should be the Inhuman-Kree war from War of Kings.

I honestly don't know how they are going to do an Inhumans TV show. To do a good job of it would require some serious money. Medusa alone would require serious digital effects every scene she is in.

Some days the universe just gives you a present.

I enjoyed it quite a bit. I like that the case itself was incredibly minimalist, but set the tone of what is likely to be the kinds of cases the show will be dealing with. And it was a much more focused view of Diane Lockhart as a character, than The Good Wife pilot had of Alicia. Diane watching the inauguration was

Oh hey, Supergirl takes a swipe at Trump!