
Yes, it is. And it is not introduced really until they are good and ready to explain it. The shade is the soul. It's the thing that exists after you die and goes to the underworld. Julia (in the books) had hers forcibly removed by Reynard, so when she physically went to the underworld no one could see her.

The comparison to Marvel is pretty good, because the show is more interested in character consistency than story consistency. Alice from the books is Alice from the show the same way Captain America in the comics is Captain America in the movies. Backstory and plot might move around, but the essence of who that

Stephen Amell said he had an open invitation to return to Arrow, he just had to show up. And so far he hasn't.

Well, I don't begrudge them it considering that the only effect to make penny look handless was just wrapping his hands in bandages.

Apparently not. They think 2020 will be about nominating someone who is bipartisan and willing to cross the aisle. HA!

I was actually impressed with the first season, They managed to give Oliver a war against corrupt capitalist titans… all without ever explicitly saying that's what they were doing.

Kristen Gillibrand is making a play for 2020. She's the only Senator who has consistently voted against any part of Trump's agenda.

Anywho, I am watching Freeform's Shadowhunters now. Which so far has been two hours of pure exposition that also explains nothing.

Well at this point how time travel works has gotten so fucked up over all the different shows that the only rule is, "what works for the specific plot point we want to happen."

His executive order on Obamacare is just stunningly and impossibly inept. What the hell is that even supposed to mean?

That's… very accurate. Apparently they are voting for Trump's nominees because they spent eight years complaining about Obama's nominees getting blocked. Not being hypocritical is nice and all… but this is a war against pretty open fascism.

Exciting! Though it would be nice if Marvel allowed them to make an X-Men game, or at least use the X-Men.

I wasn't particularly surprised they didn't keep it up. Black Siren gave an explanation for her resurrection that anyone who watched Legends of Tomorrow would know was ludicrously false. If they hadn't revealed it this episode then it would just become a slog waiting for the other shoe to drop.

In Marvel's Age of Apocalypse, the timeline changes so that Charles Xavier never founded the X-Men, which leads to Apocalypse taking over all of North America. Bishop, a time traveler from one possible future, still exists but is amnesiac since he has no timeline counterpart to revert to but also all of the stuff he

I hope they spend some of this season out to sea (even if I know they won't based on the preview). The book this season seems to be based on is just one long satire of The Voyage of the Dawn Treader. There's lots of fun sailing adventures throughout. However, at least we do know Abigail the talking sloth is going to

I keep picturing this as a board game (or a game of cards). One of the players wants the game to be fair. The other player only cares about winning. Guess which side is going to win?

Well, Black Siren showed Katie's acting chops better in two episodes than four seasons of playing the limply written Laurel.

Well in the comics, Oliver Queen is a socialist. TV Oliver Queen occasionally espouses mainstream US liberalism (only occasionally), in the comics Oliver just let a guy steal because he thought a shop owner was screwing everyone over with his profit mongering.

You… have issues. A nice therapist could help you.

They haven't talked about Talia on Arrow, however she showed up on an episode of Legends of Tomorrow.