
Nowhere does the article suggest that we should impose these same structures on human societies. Rather, it's about looking at animal societies and seeing why these certain societies "work" when the traditional narrative of the "state of nature" is patriarchal in nature.

Read the article before clutching those pearls.

I feel so bad for this guy. He's completely right to hop off Twitter. He's another victim of this "grow a thicker skin" horseshit that I've seen perpetuate the internet since before tweens discovered 4chan.

Ironically, that sentence was grammatically less appalling than your comment.

Alright, I've been thinking. When life gives you lemon ants, don't make lemonade. Make life take the lemon ants back! Get mad! I don't want your damn lemon ants, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life's manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give you lemon ants! Do you know

You know, it sucks that trolls kind of overshadow the actually good and kind players out there. I'm glad you had such a good experience with those people, as while I'm sure it helps solidify the idea that humanity is basically good for you, it does so for me as well.

Playing One Winged Angel in the background enhances the picture.

Getting the low hanging fruit out of the way.

"Combat is turn-based, and each ship gets to move a certain number of spaces (based on the engine upgrades you've purchased), then take an action, which is typically to shoot at some bad guys."

"The main reason anyone watches any kind of sport, game show, or video game, is because they know a lot about it, and know how hard it can be. One of the best ways to do that, is to play it yourself. But in this case, they can't."

So the fact that the Simpsons literally changed television, brought animation to prime time, and has had some of the best writing of any show in TV history doesn't mean anything? All it was was just "popular?"

No joke. They no longer game developer this days. Like when their last game came out? Like less then two years ago, amirite?

Now playing

"Pretty much what it says on the tin, folks. Although, the weasel is not so much riding the bird as it is, probably, trying to kill and eat it. "

"The woman playing Sue Storm said she didn't read comics and people also had a fit."

The talking assholes on 710 ESPN (Seattle) are going to shit their brains out over this. Looking forward to it.

Ah, Lazarus Effect. The film where the black dude is so very much the first one to die, he dies in the trailer.

I don't know where the slutty part comes in, but the early Sue Storm was a complete ditz and largely useless to the team; comic book writers in the 1960's and 70's seemed to have issues with women.